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Zoey Nyssa

I had never felt so free in my entire life. Although, not having complete control of my body was weird but I never once didn't feel safe. We must have ran several miles around the reserve before Cyrus suggested that we turn back. Neither me nor my wolf wanted to but we agreed. I followed him to a small shack just outside of the pack house's land and he helped me shift back. Once we were back to our human selves I watched Cyrus go into the shack and return with a pair of pants on and a shirt for me. That's when I remembered that when Isaac shifted in front of me he stripped and when the wolves from the food runs also stripped. That's also when I realized I was completely nude.

I watched Cyrus as he walked up to me and helped me stand. He gave me a weak smile and handed me the shirt. "This is the little pit stop everyone stops at before heading back to the house. That is unless you want to walk around the house naked," he laughed as I slid the shirt over my body.

It was rather large on me as it hung to almost my knees but I didn't complain. "I guess we should put some of your clothes in here too now," Cyrus said looking at how big his shirt was on me. I let out a quiet laugh and looked down at myself again. It almost felt weird being myself again, I'm going to have to get used to this.

We talked a lot and laughed a lot on our walk back to the house until a twig snapping off in the trees made us stop.

"The hell was that?" I said looking in the direction of the noise.

"I don't know," Cyrus whispered. "We should keep moving."

We walked faster to get back to the house and once we did Cyrus shut and locked the door behind me.

"That was weird," I said as he turned to me.

"Yeah, tell me about it," he nodded, leading me down the hallway.

Once we reached the kitchen I saw Isaac standing next to the island, leaning on his elbows. He had this look on his face that something was wrong. He looked over at us and his eyes met mine causing him to perk up a little. He gave me a weak smile and opened his arms for me to walk into.

"How was your run around the reserve," he said, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on mine.

"How did you know about that?" I giggled. He pulled away just enough to look at me. "I felt you shift and then I heard you," he said, brushing a piece of hair out of my face.

"How was your hunt?" Cyrus said from behind me.

I felt Isaac stiffen. "Not good actually," he said, releasing me but keeping one arm wrapped around my back. "We got a few things but not enough for the whole pack," he continued, running a hand through his hair. "We're going to have to hunt outside the reserve."

"What?" I said pulling away from him completely.

"Are you sure Isaac?" Cyrus asked with a painful look on his face.

"I'll take the stronger hunters and warriors. We'll be okay. It'll only take a few days, we'll leave tomorrow," Isaac said, nodding.

I felt a pit grow in my stomach. I couldn't tell if it was sadness or anger I was feeling, maybe both. Not only was Isaac not there to help me through my first shift but now he's going to miss my birthday- not that anyone knew or that it mattered to me. I'm not one to celebrate but I was just hoping to spend it with Isaac.

"Only as long as you think you'll be okay. But one thing feels off you get your ass back here," Cyrus said pointing at him.

Isaac nodded as Cyrus walked away. I sighed as he turned to me.

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