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Zoey Nyssa

We ran for what felt like hours before we finally reached a secluded beach somewhere outside the reserve. Selina looked back at me to make sure I was still behind her and led me to a small shelter that was set up near the water. She shifted back before entering and I copied her actions. Once we were inside she threw me some leggings and a shirt before putting clothes on herself.

    "This is incredible," I said looking around once we were both dressed.

    "I know right? Cyrus and I built this place. We used to come here all the time, I'm surprised it's still standing. Come on, it gets better," she said, encouraging me to follow her up a very rickety flight of stairs up to a platform that looked out to the water. It was overgrown with weeds and plants by now and the lights that were once there were now broken and no longer worked but it still felt peaceful.


    "I take it you're a scenery buff too?" she laughed.

    "I never really got out much," I shrugged.

    "You know Cyrus started telling me your story but I'm confused. I don't remember your family at all. They were from the reserve but you were found in San Francisco and you were human and Isaac's mate?" 

I laughed thinking through my full story up until now, it's actually pretty weird.

    "Yeah, I guess you are the only one that doesn't really know everything yet."

She laughed, "yeah, I guess."

    "Alright, well I don't even know where to start," I laughed. "You know that my parents were killed by hunters a few months after I was born right?" she nodded. "Okay, well after that Zeus and I were put in an orphanage and we were actually happy there for a while until a fire burned it down. I guess your parent's found us when we were there but because of the fire that's what made them lose our trail. That's when we got separated too. I thought for the longest time that Zeus was killed in that fire. But it wasn't until recently that we learned that was wrong and that he was the alpha of Nero."

    "That's when he showed up there. I almost  killed the alpha that took me, she must not have healed from that." Selina said, connecting our timelines. Zeus did say that the pack that took him in needed a new alpha and that's how he became one. If the Nero alpha was dying to begin with from Selina that would make sense.

    "After the fire I was put in so many different foster homes. They all sucked," I laughed, causing her to laugh too. "I was in the system for eight years before I finally had enough and left. I just dropped everything and ran. I didn't get very far though because I tripped and fell down a hill and banged myself up pretty bad. If Cyrus and Isaac hadn't found me as quick as they did I would've died there. Honestly thinking back at it now I wanted to be, I thought anything would be better than the life I was living and the last thing I remembered from that night was Isaac's voice. It almost brought me back in a way- I don't know it's hard to explain-"

    "It was the mate bond keeping you alive," Selina explained. I guess that made sense since there was a weird burst of energy I felt the minute he touched me.

    "They brought me back here and I lived happily ever after with Isaac until on one of our grocery runs we were attacked. We didn't know it then but Zeus was targeting me to turn me and he did. I was back in the infirmary for several days and when I woke up, that's when things started to fall apart," I sighed. "Cyrus started feeling his mate finally and was constantly looking and Isaac and I started to have problems between us. Everything about our relationship felt wrong since the beginning. I didn't know if it  was the fact that I didn't know any better before I was turned or if it was the heightened senses afterwards but everything was wrong. Then I started noticing the bond fading when he touched me. It just got weaker and weaker and every time I brought it up to him he brushed it off. I know now that he was feeling the same things but just wasn't saying anything about it but the only person that made everything feel right to me again was Cryus. From the minute I woke up my wolf was pulling me towards Cyrus-"

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