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Zoey Nyssa

    "What was that all about?" Alana said as Isaac slammed the door behind him.

I shook my head silently as she sat down on the bed in front of me.

    "I have no idea," I said, still looking at the door.

I heard Alana's heartbeat speed up as she spoke again. "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged. "Like myself actually. I don't really know what I was expecting to feel. I just have this voice in my head now that's really odd."

She laughed. "Like Isaac said, that's your wolf. You'll get used to that and actually rely on it sometimes. She'll help you when you need it most."

    "Yeah, we'll right now all I hear is static and Cyrus is the only thing I can understand and I don't know why," I groaned, putting my head in my hands.

    "That's because he's an alpha. Usually when you're bitten and change your first instinct is to find the closest alpha to you. Since you're here that's Cyrus. Our instinct is to be part of a pack, that's all that is."

I nodded. "Then why was Isaac all bent out of shape?" I said thinking out loud.

    "That one I don't know. I've never seen him like that before. Maybe he was jealous of the fact that you were asking for his best friend instead of leaning on your mate for comfort," she laughed, shoving my shoulder gently.

I laughed out loud and was about to say something when suddenly the door opened and Cyrus walked in. He gave me a weak smile and suddenly my mind was silent and the voice in my head was clear as a bell.

    "Hey trouble," he said quietly, shutting the door behind him.

    "Hi," I said as he walked over to me.

    "Head still spinning?" He chuckled, placing a hand on my shoulder.

    "Not anymore thanks to you," I laughed, leaning into his hand.

    "You feeling okay?" He asked, dropping his hand.

I laughed again. "Why is everyone asking me that?"

    "Because, though you're awake you're still not fully turned. If you survive your first shift then you'll be a full werewolf, but until then you're kinda stuck in the middle." Cyrus said walking around the bed so he was standing in front of me.

    "If I make it through it?" I repeated, the shake in my voice apparent now.

    "He means when, Zoey. Normally if the bite wasn't going to take you wouldn't have woken up. It's rare that one of us doesn't make it through the shift-"

    "It's happened once," Cyrus said chewing on his thumbnail.

    "Yeah, and he was having issues beforehand," Alana said, turning to look at him.

    "What issues were they having?" I asked the shake still in my voice.

Alana sighed. "He... he couldn't make the connection to Cyrus when he woke up, he was also having some physical problems too-"

    "Physical problems?" I questioned.

    "He woke up partially shifted. His wolf was fronting so much he could barely communicate with us. We thought having him shift would help him."

I looked down.

    "You'll be fine Zoey. You've already connected with Cyrus that's farther than Ethan got," Alana said trying to cheer me up.

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