"Connected? I mean yeah Zeus is the alpha I wouldn't say that connects her to Nero," Isaac said shaking his head.

"That's not what I mean. Her and Zeus have a bloodline connection to that pack."

"How do you know this?" Jo asked.

"We found it in one of the journals in the library. The Ozais and Nero packs used to be one. Then a feud between my family and Zoey's divided us and that side became Nero. There's a prophecy written that the packs will be brought together by two members of the founding families and be one again," I said repeating what Zoey read to me that day.

"So you and Zoey-" Isaac started.

I nodded. "We think that's why your bond actually failed. Her entire family are bloodline wolves but her and Zeus were both born human along with their parents. We think the fact that the packs have been divided for so long the strength that they had together is fading which caused her and Zeus to be human and her to be mated to you. When Zeus was changed his first instinct was to merge the packs. Zoey's first instinct was to find me. That's why he took you and Zoey and changed her, but he didn't realize that when he changed her the strength was restored because it created a bond between Zoey and I."

"The joining of the founding families," Jo said quietly.


"So what about Selina and Zeus? Weren't they together too?" She said, shaking her head.

"Yeah but we think that their bond was weak because he wasn't focused on joining the packs for the safety of our kind. He wanted it for more power so that's why theirs failed-"

"You guys are talking about me aren't you?" Selina said walking into the room.

"We're just trying to make sense of everything," Isaac said leaning back on the couch.

I looked up at her just as Cedar and Alex walked into the room as well. I sighed and looked down.

"We planning this or what?" Cedar laughed sitting in the chair next to me.

"Make sense of what Cryus?" Selina said, staring at me.

A silence filled the room making me focus on the burn in my stomach again. My leg started to shake as I avoided eye contact with everyone in the room. "Zoey's not here yet. We should wait till she gets here," I said, still looking down.

"Cryus, stop avoiding the question," Selina said, crossing her arms. "Something's up and you're not telling us."

I didn't speak. "Cyrus-"

"Zoey's pregnant." I blurted out.

There was more silence and I looked over at Isaac whose eyes were wide.

"Oh." She said quietly.

"And she's fighting with something and she's not letting me in after we found out that both her and Zeus have a bloodline connection to the Nero pack which was once this pack and there's a ton more information that I'm not going back through so if you really want to know go look at great grandma's journals yourself." I sighed and buried my hands in my face, that came out a little more aggressive than I meant it to be.

The burning in my stomach subsided a little causing me to look up and see Zoey standing in the doorway.

"I hope you guys haven't started yet," she said, forcing a smile. Her eyes found mine and she walked over to me.

"We were waiting for you," I said as I stood up quickly, allowing her to sit in the chair and sat myself down on the floor in front of her. I felt her hand on my shoulder and suddenly I could breathe again. The silence that came over the room when she walked in was just as uncomfortable as not having her with me. It was like what I said was a bomb blowing away any other thought from everyone's heads.

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