"That could've been the alpha bond though."

    "That's what Alana said but I don't think so. Anyway Isaac and I had this huge fight and I went to Cyrus to talk and before I knew it we figured out we were mates and that's kind of where we are now," I laughed shrugging.

    "I don't think your story is that weird," she laughed, nudging my shoulder.


    "You live in a house full of werewolves Zoey. I don't think anything is weirder than that." She said repeating what Cyrus has said to me when he was trying to convince me that I wasn't crazy. We both laughed again before I spoke again.

    "So what's your story? Anything embarrassing that I can use against Cyrus when he annoys me?" She smiled.

    "Nothing really out of the ordinary really. We both had a really good childhood given the circumstances. You know our father was the alpha and our mother was human. We both just stuck together through a lot of it. We were inseparable for the majority of our lives. We'd either be messing around here or in our parents room laying on the bed listening to my mom play her guitar and sing to us. That was a thing for us, every night before bed she'd play us the same song," I could hear her voice begin to shake. "Cyrus began to pick it up on guitar and we would sing it together sometimes too when things got hard. Every day when I was trapped there I would sing it to myself and put myself into those memories just hoping someone would help me and then Zeus came to the door and things changed. But they didn't last. I don't even know how I managed to get out."

    "Yeah, how did you get out?" I repeated.

    "Zeus had taken me on a walk around the property and he left me to go talk to one of the wolves standing guard and I just ran. But I wasn't fast enough. The wolves he had outside the property came after me and I just started swinging anything I could get my hands on. I think I killed a few of them but I didn't stop to look long enough-"

    "Why didn't you shift?"

    "I was hurt. Pretty badly too I mean you saw how I was-"

    "Yeah, but that should've brought the shift on sooner then." I said confused.

She shook her head. "That's what normally happens but if you get hurt as bad as I was, shifting would only hurt you even more. My wolf was protecting me by not fronting. She kept me alive from the inside long enough for me to get to you guys. I got away from them somehow and I just kept running and eventually I found you and Cryus. I thought you guys were ghosts at first."

I smiled to myself and looked down, "I think Cyrus thought you were one too. I've never seen him in so much shock."

    "I have," she said blankly before looking at me.

    "When they killed our mother. They did it right in front of us. Something changed in him at that moment. We weren't old enough to shift but I thought he was going to. He scared me so I went to go find our dad but when I got to him they took both of us and I never saw him again."

    "He always told me he wasn't around her that day." I mumbled. "That much trauma, I'm not surprised if it changed him-"

    "I know it did... every day I've been back I can see it in his face. He's still living through that to this day. He never used to be so cold at first, so guarded." I looked down remembering the first time I met Cyrus. The facade he held until you got to know him behind closed doors.

    "The only two people in his life that he felt completely safe with, he lost on the same day and then was forced to move on from it to lead the pack," I whispered to myself.

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