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I am sitting cross legged on the white pearly sand of our private beach, our baby girl in my lap fishing for her own feet as she likes to do lately. We are sheltered from the baking sun by a large palm tree while in front of us the azure water laps at the shore. Behind me the dog, a large white haired samoyedish mutt, decides it is too hot and she retreats to the airconditioned cool of the house like the lady she feels she is. Of all of us, she is the one who has the most diva in her blood.

Our baby girl looks up and I gaze into her beautiful blue eyes a moment before she looks down and starts fishing for sand to eat. I hoist her up a bit higher so she can't reach and am rewarded with a loud wail as her precious treasure is lost to her. Out by the water, her daddy takes a moment from polishing his surf board to check if something is wrong with us. When he sees her struggle in my arms he looks a bit longer until I motion to the sand. Then he smiles, satisfied we are ok, and closes the pot next to him.

Luckily for me, mosquitoes have a larger attention span than she does and it doesn't take her long to forget the sand and be engrossed in her own body again. I look away from her, to the water line where my husband is paddling his board out, his face eager for a good wave.

Life is good, I think, as I smile to myself, thinking I had been daydreaming this exact picture in my head countless times. How wrong I was to think I had the perfect picture.

Reality is so much better.

Thank you for reading my story.

I would like to dedicate this story to two great men: Paul Walker and Roger Rodas.

And for those of you who want more: there is a sequel written to this now!! Please let me know if you like my scribblings ok, I never written anything before!!

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