Chapter Six: A night with Paul Walker

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Our dance continued over the next weeks. The directors were extatic with what they kept calling our chemistry levels onscreen which was hardly surprising as our kisses were unscripted, real and longer than "cut". Neither of us seemed to want to name what it was we had going on, all the more complicated because Paul didn't know who he had in front of him. I was afraid to bring it up, afraid that my new happy place would crash down around me. Tomorrow, I kept thinking, tomorrow I will tell him. And then I never did, where would I begin? Hi Paul, you know the girl you think I am um well ehh I'm not her. No, I don't think so ... And so, many things were left unsaid while we just enjoyed eachothers company. 

Our shooting schedule kept being a nightmare when the water would regularly be too wild to shoot the action scenes, something that was guaranteed to put me in a bad mood because it made preparing "being Jessica" all the more difficult. And on the days we did manage to shoot I regularly froze half to death because the temperature was so low. I would whine and bitch and moan, getting on Pauls nerves while he got on mine when he messed up a take and we had to go back in the freezing water we just escaped from. But despite all the freezing and moaning, I had a blast. We bonded throughout the shoot and it was almost as if we were friends at summer camp. It was a feeling I had never had before.

The day had been overcast and windy, making me dread the words "outdoor shoot" even more than usual when I made way into the production trailer. Mercifully, I was spared this time because the cloud cover didn't fit with the conditions of the other footage. It was chosen to do an indoor shoot, one of the few we had left. They had pushed the scene back a few times in favor of shooting boat scenes but it was always referred to as "the sex scene" despite, you know, there not being any sex involved. The sex part was implied with a before and after montage. By then I wasn't remotely worried about those scenes with Paul, kissing him came as easy as breathing. I was worried about a whole other aspect of the scene: I had to simultaneously brush my teeth and talk ... Silly as it may sound I was worried about spraying foam all over the decor, and of course a girl wants to look a bit sexy for her man, but who can look sexy with a foamy mouth while dribbling on the carpet? I had been assured it would be ok, but I couldn't see myself do it. I had practised the dialogue a few times while doing what I was supposed to do (yes seriously) and there were just too many words to keep all the liquid in my mouth.

Of course I shouldn't have worried, there was barely enough foam in my mouth to even see it. I can't say I didn't feel ridiculous doing that part a few times for a few takes, apparently pretending to brush my teeth while saying something deep and meaningful was pretty funny to my inner psyche and I ended up giggling on quite a few takes. I was glad to move on to the next part: kissing Paul. We did a few takes of those too, each take his hand would glide up a bit further and we ended up laughing about that too. There wasn't much dialogue in the scene, just me asking him if he would choose treasure over love, then he would reply it wasn't even a question. In one of the takes (the one that ended up in the finished movie) he put his hand on my arm and pushed me away. I thought there was something wrong so I broke our kiss to find him looking at me with sparkling eyes. For a moment I thought I was about to get a declaration of love but that bubble burst very quickly ... 

"I'd definately take the treasure!"

I punched his chest, I think I called him an ass for good measure too, but resumed our kiss right after so he knew I wasn't serious. At that point, with the teasing and the kissing and the closeness, we weren't being actors, we were "just us" enjoying one anothers company. And as I looked in his eyes and kissed him again I wished for nothing more than that we would never have to leave. 

The setup for the "after" part was easy, we would lie next to one another under the covers while the camera captured Jared brooding away about my brilliant remarks from earlier (seriously, they don't warrant his character staying awake, trust me) and for me the scene was super easy as I had to pretend to sleep. First I was in front of him but that didn't work because then he couldn't brood sexily enough, so I moved behind him, just visible above his shoulder. I put one arm around him and scooted close. He took my hand and started stroking it gently, just his thumb going back and forth over and over. It was incredibly soothing and comforting and together with the smell of him it relaxes me completely. And so I really get into my role.

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