Chapter Ten: Water, straight

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If this were a fairy tale, the handsome knight would sweep the maiden off her barstool, rescuing her from discarded peanuts and perilously wobbly legs, but in reality the knight wasn't really budging beyond that wink. I kept chasing him (discreetly, I hoped) and somehow we never connected. It was frustrating and more than once I told myself I would never come back this was the last time bla bla ... Only to return the very next day. Staying away from Paul was not my forte apparently.

I knew I couldn't keep doing this to myself and I decided one night to be brave. I wouldn't go say hello, I wasn't quite that brave, but I bought him a drink. The bar was one where you order and pay at the counter, then they bring you your drinks. In hindsight I always wondered how many orders were lost because they had gone to other tables ... (bartenders, please jump in the comments?) 

Fortunately, my order was not lost and I was close enough to hear the bartender tell Paul "it's from the lady." presumably with a gesture in my direction. My heartbeat picked up as I felt him watch me. I stayed with my back towards him on purpose, and heard his chair scrape, then footsteps in my direction.

"Thank you, next time order me a whiskey coke will you?"

He smiled down at me while saying it, then wordlessly asked if he could sit down. Well duh, what do you think that I order drinks for men I want to steer clear of? I nodded, and for a moment we just looked at eachother.

"I think first you owe me a drink, bold of you to assume there will be a second one coming your way."

I tried to keep a straight face but couldn't. My eyes must have lit up, my cheeks must have glowed and I think I almost floated an inch above my seat just being able to talk to him again. I tried to remind myself that I was a stranger and that he had no knowledge of our history together, but at the same time I just wanted to take his hand in mine like I was used to. I was happy but it was a bit confusing at the same time. Then he smiled again and stood up. I cursed myself because I thought I had missed my chance, but he just walked over to the bar and, contrary to customs, waited for a drink. I laughed as I watched him return to the table carrying a glass of still water. 

"Here you go ma'am, I believe that makes it your turn again."

He placed the water next to my cocktail and took his own place again. It was like were playing a sort of chess game, and it was my turn to move a pawn. I would not be hasty, instead sipping my drink while looking at him over the rim of my glass. I felt like asking for his name would  sound false, he was Paul Walker and I had just bought him a drink, pretending I had no clue who he was, was like a trap door. I could talk about the drinks but then we would run out of conversation all too soon. Never in my life have I wished to be better at flirting than in that moment, I swear!

"I've seen you around. What's your name?"

Oh good, I could just answer his questions that also works. I replied to both, and then ventured an opinion on the bar (cosy but expensive) which he agreed with. And so our conversation continued a bit halted with some silences that were not there before between us. Since I was a stranger he was guarded, just being polite to someone who had bought him a drink and ready to bolt as soon as he felt was acceptable. To delay that moment, I ordered us both new drinks and decided to resume the chess game: I ordered him a coke, no whiskey. 

The waiter brought our drinks and placed his tall glass in front of him. When he tasted, he frowned at the first sip, then his eyes got a mischievous sparkle as he looked at me while drinking. He never commented on the straight up coke, simply thanked me and kept talking. But it had worked it's magic: Paul let his guard down and became the animated friendly man I had loved for so long. Talking was easier and we laughed and talked for a few more hours until he yawned and said he should be heading out. 

I wanted to pout like a toddler. I wasn't ready to let him go yet and god knows if finding him next time was ever going to work out. But adults don't pout, apparently, so I followed him straight faced to the cloakroom where we both handed our numbers to the surly girl on duty. I had to work hard to keep smiling, the hours spent with him had seemed so short compared to the long time of missing him. 

"Will you be here next Friday?"

His question made my pulse quicken again. Did that mean ... did he ... was he ... ? I tried to keep my cool and replied that yes coincidentally I would be. Something about my cool must have seemed heated because he laughed briefly when he caught my expression. 

"I'll see you then."

See you then ... 

It was enough of a promise for me to make me skip and cheer all the way home. I didn't know what my future held, but at that moment I felt like I had the world in the palm of my hands.

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