Chapter Two: Hello, I love you

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I had to stop myself from running away as I watched Paul Walker walk slowly towards us across the sand. My old feelings surfaced faster than I had time to prepare for, but of course he wouldn't recognise me, let alone feel vaguely the same. I cursed mentally, falling for him was a mistake on another set, one that had nearly cost me my head and that I had put firmly in the past where it belonged. Our chances of working together again had been slim to non existing because the people around me would never take the risk again. I felt a familiar regret wash over me. If only ... 

Yet here he was, not only working with me, he was my love interest for the next four months. Yes please ... this gig had just become ten times more interesting. I realised I was smiling at the idea of spending so much time with him. Before it had been rushed, like a small sample of what Paul was like but now we had time to really get to know one another.

"Hey Jessica. Nice to meet you, I'm Paul"

Right, that was me ... I hadn't really cottoned on yet to my 'new name' yet. I shook his hand and smiled even harder as he tried, and failed, to give me a 'one over'. Apparently, he liked what he saw ... That made me blush and avert my face from Paul to the water. Blue the colour of his eyes ... Suddenly I wanted nothing more but to dive in the waves and go for a swim.

Paul must have followed my look, because he rallied the troups and announced we would do exactly that: go for a swim. The men just ran to the water, taking off their shirts as they went. Holy heavens, he had been working out a bit it seemed ... As I ran my eyes greedily over his body I forgot to watch where I was going and was rewarded with a tumble in the sand when I tripped in a pothole. Typically me ... 

He ran back to me when he saw and offered me a hand to help me back up. Ashley meanwhile had simply stripped to her underwear and was already in the water. I felt slightly uncomfortable taking my clothes off, as I always was. I was wearing a black bra and shorts set so I could go into the water without much casualties afterward. For a moment I surveyed the scene in front of me: the three people that would be my closest companions for the next few months. One of them was already someone I would happily walk through a fire for, the other two seemed nice. 

My mind landed back on the tiny bikinis and I smiled as I realised how little they covered. True, I would feel pretty exposed, but they would keep the nightmare away while we worked on the film. With a rush of adrenaline and relief, I realised that I was as safe as I was ever going to be. 

"Jessica come in, the water's great!"

Ashleys call put me to action, and I ran forward across the lukewarm sand towards the waves and towards Paul. I knew it was irrational, and I knew it made no sense, but in that moment I truly believed he was my guardian angel, sent to save me from the hell I was living in.

Only you can save me (A Paul Walker fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now