Chapter Four: The start of ... something?

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I was almost giddy with excitement the next day, eager to put my plans in motion but sadly I was forced to wait until things were set up. I finetuned things in my head over and over until I could almost "see" it all play out. The script for that day called for Jared and Sam to drive along a coast road while discussing Jareds reluctance to work for Bates, the biggest baddie in the movie. Then my character, or Jessicas character if you will, had to say she understood him (of course she does, right?) and kiss his cheek before nestling her head on his shoulder. I had big plans for that last part ... If the director complained about a ruined take I would feign innocence and say I genuinely thought the scene was supposed to play out like I had played it. 

At last we were in the car and shooting the scene in question, driving along the truly spectacular highway. Camera cars were following us, along with the ones mounted inside the rusty truck. I did my shtick of admiring the old ring Bates had thrown at Sam to make a fool of Jared, then tossed it on the dashboard like it was put in the script. On that cue, Paul started his piece of dialogue about why working for Bates was not something he would do even though he was unemployed. I remembered my line perfectly. "I just want you to be happy". Paul couldn't fathom how true that line was ... 

Then came the moment I had been waiting for all day. I kissed his cheek as scripted, but instead of putting my head on his shoulder I moved to his lips and gave him a quick kiss there. I felt him kiss me back, his hand tensing a little on my back but relaxing immediately as he grinned. I half bit half kissed him, grinning myself now. It was clear he didn't know what I had in mind, he couldn't have known, but he was prepared to play. 

Then his hand moved up to cradle my head and I sort of automatically moved mine to the back of his neck, holding him closer to me too. Then I felt his tongue gently against my mouth and without thinking allowed him access. His left hand briefly touched my cheek as we kissed while he moved his right arm to pull me closer to him. By that time I had forgotten my own name, where I was, what the hell I was doing there and basically drifted into a state of utter bliss. It was a great kiss, but it wasn't just that. It was kissing HIM. 

My bliss, and hopefully his (come to think of it I never asked him what it was like for him ...) came to an abrupt ending with a blast of a car horn. We had drifted onto the other lane and were heading towards another car. I felt Paul stiffen, turn his head while somehow not breaking the kiss (he's a contortionist in his spare time) and then yank the steering wheel to get us back to where we belonged, narrowly avoiding a collision. I sat up straight again but Paul still held me close to him. 

For a brief minute, driving had his full attention as he made sure he had the car under control. I couldn't help but look at him, still feeling his kiss and his hand on my cheek. Then he turned and looked at me with a smile, his bright blue eyes sparkling. I couldn't help but laugh, relishing the lingering feel of his lips on mine, and the very real pressure of his arm around me as we drove on ...

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