Cigarettes and Feelings

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3 months later

Clover mustered up the courage to finally ask Wren to be her girlfriend, ever since the moment they shared at Wren's house, she knew that she needed more and couldn't picture her life without Wren.

They've been official for about 3 months and couldn't be happier, there was talk of Clover moving into Wren's but they weren't sure yet. They would often spend every weekend at each other's apartments and try to see each other at work or every odd afternoon or morning.

As Clover made her way to Wrens apartment, she noticed the faint smell of cigarettes. She opened the door and noticed Wren sitting on her balcony, a cigarette hanging out of her mouth while she's reading a book.

"I didn't know you smoked." Clover said while taking her bag off and laying it on the counter.

"Oh yeah, I don't smoke that often, I just felt like one today." She nodded as she wrapped her arms around Wren and planted a kiss on her cheek. She went back inside and got changed into some spare clothes, smelling of Wren's laundry detergent.

She went on to eat the leftovers from dinner earlier while Wren was making some tea, joining her at the dining table. The soft sounds of Adrianne Lenker in the background. As she was washing up, Wren came up behind her, engulfing her in her arms, nuzzling her face into her neck, placing light kisses there.

This caused Clover to giggle as she was hitting her ticklish spot. She turned around to face Wren and splashed her with some water, causing Wren to retaliate with tea towel, whipping her with it. Both the girls started uncontrollably laughing and Wren pulled Clover into a kiss, her lips as light as feathers and as soft as pillows. They moved together like puzzle pieces, Clover put her hands on the small of her back and the other around her neck, Wren wrapped her arms around Clover and sat her up on the table.

As the kiss deepened, Wren slipped her tongue into Clovers mouth, earning a small moan from her. She was absolutely enthralled by the beauty of Clover. She found her hands trailing up her body, inching along the hem of her shirt.

"I love you." She said into the kiss, causing her lips to turn upward in a smile. Clover immediately broke the kiss, leaning back in shock.

"What did you just say?" Confusion in her eyes to make sure she heard her right.

"I said that I love you." She said while glancing up into her honey pool eyes while smiling every so slightly.

Clover didn't know what to do, she felt the same way but was caught completely off guard.

"I-I love you too." As she sheepishly smiled.

They continued kissing until Wren wanted to watch a movie since it started raining. They huddled up together and Clover kept on stealing kisses from her while Wren was in between eating popcorn.

Wren shorty fell asleep after the movie while Clover traced the lines of the rosemary tattoo on her forearm. She loved looking at her tattoos, wondering what they mean to her and where she got them.

As Wren slightly shifted to wrap her arm around Clovers waist, she mumbled something that you probably wouldn't be able to hear unless you were passing attention.

"Move in with me." It was so quiet Clover almost went to wake her up but decided against that and to ask her subtly in the morning.

She slowly fell asleep after daydreaming about their future together, Wrens arms wrapped around her torso and her slight snoring between steady breathing.

hey y'all, sorry this isn't a big chapter. i currently have an ear infection, I plan to update again sometime later this week. hope y'all are enjoying it so far!!

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