Is it fate?

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Wren Warner has always been a very serendipitous person and has never really felt at home in her life ever. So on one random Tuesday morning she decided to pack up her things, buy a one way ticket and move to New York City. She hoped on the plane and let the universe be in control.

According to Wrens sister, Vivi, she's always been an adventurous person which she agreed couldn't be more true. They had a 4 year age gap in between them, Wren being the oldest.

As she looked down at the ground getting smaller and smaller it was then she realised that she was leaving Australia, with only telling her sister and leaving everyone behind. Plugging in her earphones to drown out the baby crying somewhere on the plane, she glimpsed at her tattooed arms, full of years of memories and old meanings which both her parents hated but slowly accepted, which is fun considering that they didn't bat an eye when she came out but threw a fit when she came home with a skull sprouting flowers out of the top.

The person sitting beside her finally went to sleep after asking her millions questions about her tattoos, she hated when people do that. The soft sounds of her music lulled her to sleep and she couldn't wait to see what NYC had to offer her.

After getting her baggage and taking a taxi to the nearest hostel, she looked out the window taking in her surroundings and feeling a sense of freedom. As the driver parked outside 'The Friendly Green' and gave Wren her things, she made her way to the front desk and let them know she would like a room.

She dropped her bags on the wooden floor and greeted her new roommate, Etta who instantly picked up on her Australian accent and proceeded to bombarde her with questions.

"So you're telling me that you don't eat spoonfuls of Vegemite but instead spread it on toast with butter, huh this whole time I thought it was like Nutella". 

"Yea, well let your friends know back home as well, it'll save them a lot of trouble if they ever visit Australia". She said while unpacking some clothes and toiletries while getting ready to brave the streets of NYC. She told Etta that's she's going to a café and extended the invitation to which she declined.

While walking and window shopping through New York, she saw a corner café which immediately caught her attention. It had plants cascading down the sides and had the most mouth watering pastries.

She took a seat and ordered, looking at the busy people going about their lives while she was just starting hers. While she was sipping on her coffee, she thought about her 'old' life and how utterly miserable she was, being a 24 year old pastry chef with no love life, living in a small shit apartment.

As she went to pay, she heard the most beautiful voice in the world. She turned around and was met with big brown eyes, staring back at her with lips slightly parted and her hand out holding a $10 note.

"Excuse me, I think you dropped this". The girl could only be described as something forged by the gods themselves, her skin was tanned and adorned with various moles, she had thick eyebrows and faded freckles. Her nose was pierced and had the most gorgeous smile and hair in twisting curls.

Wren was too stunned to speak, the internal panic took over. All she could was pathetically mutter a thank you and linger her hand on the girls a second too long.

"I'm Clover by the way, I don't mean to sound weird but are you British or something, I couldn't help but overhear when you talking to the cashier".


"Oh ah, I'm from Australia, I actually just arrived here not that long ago, I'm Wren". She said while trying her hardest not to go beet red.

This earned her a laugh and she could've sworn that it almost killed her. She ended up moving aside so Clover could pay and then continue the conversation. She took this time to examine her, she was wearing high waisted black slacks and a white blouse, she must've been going somewhere important.

"If you ever need a tour guide, I'd be happy to help". She said while holding her phone out which only further sent Wren into panic mode, she grabbed the phone and put her details in while also giving Clover her own phone so she can do the same. After the exchange they slowly walked outside and turned to each other.

"Well I have to get going, I have a meeting to attend, but it was really nice to meet you, text me soon!" She said while she did a light jog to go to wherever she needed to be.

Wren was still trying to process the whole thing, thinking that she was in a dream until the name in her phone was staring back at her.

Clover Lafleur

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