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"I-I'm sorry..!" She said while looking down

Midoriya just stayed quiet before Jiro talk again.

"no.. We're sorry!!... *look at him* behalf of my friends, I'm saying their sorry to you and me too.. I know, saying it to you can't help to forget what we did to you but... At least with that you can see how much we're really sincerely apologizing to you... "

Midoriya look down and said.

"you know... I'm really upset on what you all did to me.. *smiled* I should not accept her offer in the first place... Hehe! I'm such an idiot!"


"you see, she is my first girlfriend... I'm so happy when she told me that she wants me to be her boyfriend out of nowhere, I suspected it as a prank but I shrugged it off because she has a proof to say at least..."

"it's okay.. So what's your answer?"

"when we go In I island!!" She said making Midoriya raise a brow.

"when I saw you and Melissa hanging out together I feel jealous because how close you were so I tell Jiro to spy on you and Melissa and tell me what you two are talking about while laughing!!" She said to Midoriya..

Jiro just look at Midoriya

"so I did what all boyfriend does... I search online on how to become a good boyfriend, I do all that to become perfect to her... I did it almost 1 and half weeks before my internship start.." he said.

Jiro started to tear up on what she's hearing on Midoriya

"it's just almost a week that I didn't do all of it to her and she already done on our relationship... *smiled* and start doing it to him.." Midoriya said in a low tone.

"huh?" Jiro said.

"...... You see I really planned it all out, I already plan a date for her, for our first month anniversary.... But I think it's not gonna happened *sigh*" he said..

"M-Midoriya... We're really sorry..! *sob*" Jiro said crying.

"I really.. *sob* disappointed on all of you, I never thought *sob* that you all will do that to me... *sob* specially you girls, I thought *sob* I thought w-we all friends..."

Midoriya try to hold back his tears but he can't the tears still pouring out.

"but it's looks like I'm t-the only one w-who thinking t-that.... *sob* If I knew you will be doing this in the f-first place...?! *sob* I should never trusted you all, in the first plac- *sob* place..!!"

Midoriya finally broke down, he cried all out in that moment all the anger and disappointment to his classmates, all the negative feelings he feels on that moment he release it with a cry...

Jiro try to comfort Midoriya in that moment by hugging him but get push away by Midoriya who is stood up before looking at her with anger in his eyes..

"please.. Don't be..!" "huh...?"

"please don't!.. Don't pitying me... I don't need it..!" Midoriya said in a cold tone

Jiro just look at Midoriya in horror, seeing him like this making her scared at him in that moment.


She said making Midoriya flinched and comeback into his senses, Midoriya back off a little bit to her. She saw this action of his and tried to grab his hand but it's too late Midoriya used his quirk and fly out of Jiro sight..

"M-Midoriya.. Wait!!"


"tell me... Why?!... WHY YOU ALL DID THAT!!... I... I NEVER THOUGHT T-THAT YOU WILL BE ON THIS!... Kind of stuff..!" Bakugo said to Uraraka who is crying...

"I'm... I'm really s-sorry..!" Uraraka said.

"... Tsch!... *he look at the table* AHHH!"

Bakugo kick the table because of his anger.

"stop it Bakugo..!" Todoroki said who is still holding Yaoyurozu wrist.

"huh?! Why?..." Bakugo said.

"hey Baku-bro calm down..!" Kirishima said while tightening his grip into Bakugo shoulder.

"your just destroying the furniture...!" Todoroki said.

"hah!... Tell me Todoroki, why are you so calm on this situation!!" Bakugo said who is glaring Todoroki..


"hey Mineta..! Call Mr. Aizawa..!" Sero said

"huh?! Why me!!" Mineta said.

"just call him!" "o-okay fine.." Mineta said before running outside "crap why is the rain not stopping!"

All the students who left in there just looking Bakugo and Todoroki they're preparing themselves to use their quirk if something bad is gonna happen between the two.


'shit this is nerve-wracking!!' Sero thought.

'we should calm this two before-' Tokoyami got cut off in his thought when he saw Bakugo start walking towards Todoroki.

"back off, Bakugo..!" Todoroki said while in defense position.

While looking Todoroki, he notice how Todoroki grab Yaoyurozu in her wrist without signing to let go. And with that Bakugo comes to the conclusion that the two has a secret relationship..

"..... *chuckled* Hah!.. *sigh* at first I thought your just concern, but while thinking about it...." Bakugo glared at Yaoyurozu.

Yaoyurozu saw Bakugo glares and immediately look down, Todoroki notice it and said.

"what are you saying I'm really concern to Midoriya-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!... I'm not talking to you Icy Hot..!" he said in ominous tone before pointing at Yaoyurozu.

"You... Who I was talking to.. PONYTAIL!!"

Yaoyurozu didn't look at Bakugo, making him irritated on that.

"this is not good.." Sero said before looking his classmates who just sweating like him waiting for something before they act fast..

"... I said back off Bakugo.. Your making her uncomfortable on what you are doing..!" Todoroki said while pulling Yaoyurozu behind him.

Once again Bakugo laugh at Todoroki making all the students look scared to what Bakugo doing, after that Bakugo stop and put his hands in his pocket and said in a dead eyes.

"... So you two are the one who cheat Izuku, didn't you..." he said to the two.

All the students there just froze on what they heard to Bakugo.

"... Huh?... What.." Uraraka said..


"w-what are you saying Bakugo...?!" Tokoyami said.

"...n-no way..!" Sero said..


"what.... are you two not gonna answer me? Or what...!" Bakugo said..


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