Chapter Forty-four - Bloody Hell

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“Nice try.”

Somebody roughly pulled me back and I fell backwards against the person who had grabbed me by my neck, as if I had been a bad puppy. I let out a scream and started to fight, to struggle, anything to get away.

I noticed two men had gotten hold of Angela as well – she looked incredibly scared and was still crying. Two shapes emerged from the shadows and my heart seemed to stop dead. It was him. And he wasn’t alone.

“You gave us quite the scare there, Regina!” Mickael said laughing, as if this had all been a joke.

But I didn’t look at him. I looked at the man next to him, the man with identical eyes, bright green and intense. His hair was longer than it had been on the picture, but just as blonde. Dark blonde, to be exact. He had a pointy chin and a permanent frown in his face, as if he was incredibly troubled. He was taller than Mickael and a bit more slender, and seemed all-our more mature.


He scanned me with his eyes and raised one eyebrow. Then he moved on to Angela, who was still trying to get away.

“Don’t tell me they escaped without any help, Mickael.” He said calmly.

His voice was lower than Mickael’s and he didn’t sound as if he was going to loose his temper any minute. His voice was soothing and almost friendly – if he hadn’t been the brother of a psychopath and probably one himself as well, I might have found him attractive.

“The guards let them out.” Mickael said in his defence – he seemed annoyed.

Nicholas didn’t answer, but just smiled mockingly. He gave Angela a look again and his smile became wider.

“Hello, sweetheart.”

She didn’t answer – she just hissed at him. To be fair, it looked a bit ridiculous. But I wasn’t in the mood to laugh.

“Let’s just take them back.” Mickael sighed. “And I’ll have those guards executed. Seriously, they can’t even do their job properly!”

“You hired them, didn’t you?” Nicholas asked.

To my surprise, Mickael blushed. “Yes, so what?” He snarled.

“Then isn’t it your very own fault you picked men who are so gullible for a woman’s charms?” Nicholas said.

Mickael growled – he didn’t answer, he just angrily turned around and walked back towards the alley we had come out of. The two men who were holding Angela followed him and dragged her along with them.

Nicholas fixed his eyes on me again – it made me uncomfortable, but I forced myself to keep looking. He wouldn’t get me down. I hoped.

“So you’re the one who brought me back to life?” He asked.

I tried to answer normally, since I was still breathing heavily. “Yeah, so?”

He raised one eyebrow again. He was the type of person who could make you feel bad with just one word or gesture and leave you with no self-confidence. Mickael had to hate him – but then again, he had brought him back.

“No need to be rude, Regina.” It sounded strange when he used my name. “I was merely asking you something. Impressive, I must add – I have been wandering around for ages, restless, longing to go back, and now…”

He gestured to the place we were standing. His eyes never let me go as he took a step back and laughed.

“Well, it’s not very impressive, but I’m back, and it feels great.” His laugh turned into a calm, gentleman-like smile. “There is so much I had wanted to do, and now I’m able to, finally.”

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