Chapter Ten - Mickael

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He looked like the painting – dark blonde hair, piercing bright green eyes, sharp cheekbones, and the pale, dead skin of a vampire. A villainous smile. He hung back on his throne/chair thing which could just as well be placed in King’s Landing, legs folded over his left armrest. He wasn’t wearing a crown or anything, but it wouldn’t even misfit him somehow. You could sense he was very old – and very dangerous. If he wanted all the people in this room to aggressively start pole dancing wearing tights and high heels, they would, even the guys.

He wore a dark brown leather jacket over a white blouse, black jeans and brown leather shoes. It all looked really expensive. But judging by the way the room looked, he had plenty of money. It was large, round, the floor was made out of caramel and white coloured marble, the walls were painted broken white and everywhere hung expensive looking paintings and decorations. I wondered how he financed all of this – it wasn’t like vampires paid taxes. I… Think.

Something told me I shouldn’t ask.

The rest of the room was empty except for the thrones and the few people who were there with us. All vampires, all dressed in casual black clothes and seemingly all scared to death. I couldn’t blame them – that guy breathed danger. There were around five people and they all looked like staff or servants.

Mickael put his legs on the ground, got up and walked towards us a bit. I saw Susanna grow numb and Regina clenching her fists.

“I would offer you something to drink,” Mickael said in his arrogant, low voice, a voice which could silence a room. He had a strange accent – but then again, Mickael wasn’t exactly a typically British name. “but I’m afraid we don’t have much human drinks in the fridge. Unless you would like some type O negative…” He shrugged and sent us a mischievous smile.

I tried not to roll my eyes and looked back at his throne/chair thing trying to figure out if it qualified as a throne. It was huge, high and pointy, with lots of bones, skulls, roses and angel and devil faces carved into the… Bronze, was it? Gold?

Then I noticed. On the right side of the throne/chair/whatever sat a girl in a very short red dress, with a chain around her neck which was attached to the throne/chair/I need a word for what that thing is. She was pretty. Her hair was long, black and curly and she had a beautiful brown skin and the longest legs I had ever seen. She looked Indian. When she looked up I saw her big, brown, sad eyes – the look of a young girl who had been through too much and had been forced to grown up too fast. She couldn’t be older than twenty. I saw bruises on her arms and legs and on one of her beautifully high and sharp cheekbones.

So Susanna had been right with the whole ‘human pets’ story. Well, I knew she hadn’t been lying, because she wasn’t the type to lie, but somewhere in my heart I had hoped it had just been a story. But it was true. Poor girl… She had obviously been abused and God knows what else. All the other vampires in the room didn’t even look at her – were they just that heartless, or scared that Mickael would get angry? He was one of those guys you would never want to see angry. Kind of like the Hulk, only less big, less green and less yelling ‘SMASH!’

Bummer. That would have been funny.

Mickael saw me look at his… Pet and smiled, which made me want to punch him in the face. Not that I knew how to throw a proper punch, but that was besides the point.

“Pretty, huh?” He said as if he was trying to sell me a car.

I shut my mouth and tried not to react. He decided not to care, walked backwards to his throne/chair/I’m going to call it a ‘thrair’ and ran his hand through her hair – she flinched and I saw she bit her lip, trying not to wail.

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