Chapter Thirty-seven - Betrayel

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Staying in the underground city was surprisingly pleasant. Helen had arranged for me to stay in a private room, as far away from Mickael's personal room as possible. I didn't have to see him. She talked to him for me. She said I should rest, take a break, get enough sleep.

"But what about the uprising?" I asked.

She smiled and stroked my hair. "Don't you worry about that. Mickael has got everything under control."

I believed her. So I spent my days in my room, or I roamed the hallways, careful not to wander off too far. You never knew who you could run into. And I wouldn't fancy meeting one of Mickael's psychopathic goons.

I was being taken care of very well. My room was always clean - I had been given a new one, an even bigger one, with a very luxurious bed with a pile of the softest pillows and blankets you could imagine - and Helen had brought me books to read. I got the most delicious breakfasts; perfectly prepared toast, golden butter which melted in your tongue, fresh tea and coffee with just the right amount of milk. For lunch they brought me fresh sandwiches with various salads. Dinner was always a surprise. Sometimes I got macaroni with tremendous tomato and basil sauce, other times it was lobster or marinated chicken breast. Whatever it was, it was cooked perfectly. I was being pampered and spoiled and I loved it. Helen made sure I got the most beautiful clothes, shoes made out of the softest leather, beautiful shimmering jewellery.

I loved being taken care of so much, but I just couldn't forget what I had left behind at home. Susanna would have to deal with everything and everybody alone. Well, she had Ian. I had to admit that still made me jealous, but at the same time I realised I would just have to deal with it. I couldn't change it.

But I was too much of a coward to go back and tell my sisters that, too proud and stubborn to apologise. And so I stayed in the mansion of the man I loathed. As long as I didn't have to see him, it was fine, really.

Though I couldn't forget that I had promised to 'meet him' another time... Was he still going to have me keep that promise? Did I have to give myself to him again? I was sort of counting on Helen here. I hoped she would make sure he didn't harm me, that I was protected.

Helen was acting like my big sister now.

But she wasn't Susanna. No matter how much we argued, how much I had hurt her, how often we had fought and bickered - I loved her and nobody could replace her. Besides, I still had the feeling Helen wasn't comfortable with me being so strong. She kept asking me to contain my powers, to not use them. I asked why. She just answered I had to rest because I had to be at full strength when the uprising happened.

The uprising. With everything that had happened at home, I had almost completely forgotten about it. It was coming. But nobody would tell me when, where, how. I asked everybody I could find in the mansion. They said they didn't know. But I didn't believe them - we had to know something, right?

Well, as long as I was on the good side, it didn't really matter, I guessed.

I was listening to Nirvana on my bed with my eyes closed - Helen had found me a radio and some CD's (may seem old-fashioned but I loved having CD's) - when I heard somebody whistling on the corridor. Next thing I know, there was a knock and the door opened. I hadn't even gotten the chance to say 'come in' or something.

"Permission to enter your temple?" A sarcastic voice asked.


I hadn't seen her in a while now. Three days had passed and I had kind of missed her cynic remarks and the smell of lemon she brought with her at all times. I could smell it now.

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