I don't want to let her go

Start from the beginning

My phone rang as I walked into the room, Kristoff was whining in the corner and I rubbed him before grabbing the phone.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone.

"En-... Enzo, hello....can you hear me?" I heard Sasha's voice through the phone as she was breaking up.
"Yeah, what is it?" I asked as I sipped my drink.

"I've...to sneak in....have Bonnie...I got her-

The phone call ended and I threw the cup before screaming for Antonio and Lexi I come here.  I tried to call Sasha back, but it wasn't going through, they came into the office looking a mess and I banged the phone.

"Sasha said something about having Bonnie and now I can't get her back on the phone-

The phone rang again and I answered it in a hurry.

"Enzo, Bonnie's safe I have her...Fuck!" she yelled and I heard tires screeching in the background. Antonio throws his phone before running over to grab my phone.

"What's happening?! Where are you?!" Antonio yelled into the phone. Lexi grabbed the computer to try and hack the call.

"I'm down the street from the estate, but I have a lot of men following me, I need help!" she yelled.
"We're on the way, try to hold them off the best you can," he said before hanging up. He ran out and so did Lexi.


"Fuck, that's a mess!" Elijah said under his breath as he looked at the cars in front of us. Sasha had five cars behind her and we were trying to knock them all out one by one. There was ten behind us that had blown up.

Lexi called everyone to let them know and everyone came in a hurry, Ty is on the way and Zuri is at the estate. I climbed through the sunroof and fought the man who made his way onto our car, I pushed him off and he screamed before getting his head rolled over. I grabbed a bomb to throw it in the car's sunroof since it was open.


"Fuck, yeah!" Antonio yelled before shooting the other cars. We spotted Sasha as she was driving and we passed the other two cars, we came side by side and I saw Bonnie passed out in the backseat.

"What's wrong with her?!" I yelled as Lexi swerves to stay beside her. Antonio, Raven, and Elijah shot the cars as they shot back.

"I sedated her so she wouldn't make too much noise, she didn't even see me, I snuck up behind her but-

The car hit the back of her and she almost lost control of the car, but she gained the control back. Antonio shot the guy's shoulder, pulled the parking brake causing our car to stop and for the two cars to hit the back of us as they hit each other. Our car almost flipped but it didn't, we all got out with our guns and started shooting the people in the car.

"Fuck you!" the man yelled and I shot him in the head. We continued to shoot them all until none were left, Sasha finished driving on the street and I rushed as she stopped and turned back around.
She stopped in front of us and I ran to the passenger side and opened the door, she was so little. I cried as I picked her up, she was so light and she had so many bruises, I kiss her all over and she groaned causing me to laugh.

"Wake up, tigre," I said. She opened her eyes and looked around while squinting, but she froze when she caught sight of me.

"E-Enzo?" she questioned. I nodded and she hugged me tighter while crying causing me to cry harder.

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