Enough is Enough

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"And how much have you been able to safely cover with him so far." I asked curious as to how much more Harry needed to learn before Severus returned to British soil for the school year.

"Not as much as I'd like to have. He's only just finishing his review of first year. His goal to reach owl level performance by end of summer may not be reachable at this point." He paused for a minute. "If he could be convinced to hold off on some classes till later and focus on what I'm teaching I may be able to help him attain his goal better. As I will have to go back to school at summers end."

"Send Draco and Pansy next. I believe you have a lesson to prepare for Severus." I dismissed him. Turning and writing down some notes. When the two children entered I gestured to the chairs in front of my desk.

"Tell me how you feel he is doing during lessons. And is he moving at a pace you think he is benefiting from." I ordered not looking up but continuing to write.

"He is doing well and seems relaxed for the most part. But he also seems to struggle for focus. Honestly we think he may benefit more by waiting to continue learning these at another time." Pansy spoke carefully.

"We could always teach him during the breaks for Yule and Ostara. Though honestly the pace he has been learning at was fast and I personally feel he could easily handle learning these things in only Yule break's time frame." Draco explained

"Very well thank you it was insightful. Send in Barty please." I said writing down notes on what they had told me. So they also find that Harry is capable of faster paced learning but that he was stretching himself thin.

"Well Barty how do you feel he does in lessons? And how far have you managed to get so far? Also how do you feel he is doing with the current pace?" I questioned him looking up only to long enough to gesture to a chair.

Once sat down he placed the time table on my desk stacked with the previous ones. "Harry does well in class we had for the most part already covered nearly all of first year before your arrival but have slowed sense due to him having trouble focusing. I could easily test him on first year curriculum tomorrow though. He had seemed to benefit from a fast paced learning. However his new lack of focus strained things greatly." He paused here in thought. "If it's alright with you I'd like to test him out of fist year curriculum tomorrow and have our agreed upon two week break. This would allow him to gain more time in other subjects while not risking his desired time table."

"And as for the German lessons?" I asked carefully. Making note of everything he had said.

"I intend for him to take a break there as well. He is doing extremely well with the German language. Honestly he's well on his way to being fluent." He beamed at that. Clearly proud of his student. "Not everyday you find a student as willing and capable as Harry is!" He gushed clearly pleased with Harry's capabilities.

"Send in Narcissa please." I stated finishing my notes on this conversation looking up giving him a smile to show that I was pleased. When Narcissa came in I opened my arms to her. She smiled placing her time table down on the desk with the others. Before sitting on my lap.

"Harry does well during lessons dear. His french is coming along very well give him a about a year and I doubt anyone would think he was anything but french when speaking it." She kiss my cheek when she finished. "For the most part my lessons with him can continue to be handled during tea times." She moved to my neck kissing down as her hand explored my chest. Causing me to moan.

Half an hour later she was putting herself back together. "I'll send Lucius along shortly love." She gave a kiss to me before casting an air refreshing charm. Then leaving as I put myself back together. I started to go over the time tables starting with Barty's.

When Lucius entered he saw me looking very much confused. Reaching out for the time table instantly. I looked at it then seemed the boy completely mad. "This is madness shear and utter madness Lucius!" Adding his to the complete timetable I had put together from all his current teachers. "Look at this Lucius tell me how he's managed to pull this off." I said thrusting the time table into his hands. His jaw dropped. As he stared his eyes teared up.

"I agree this is madness Tom but I must say he has managed to do quite well in my lessons despite this." He gave a thoughtful look for a moment. "Strategy is not his strong suit but politics he excels in without question. I believe taking him down to a few lessons a week would be just fine. Honestly I think he enjoys the debate side of it most. He can argue from either side on the same subjects and get you to side with him even if you had been previously won by him on the contrary." At that Voldemort smiled nodding.

"I have to admit the boy has skill in manipulating a schedule. And he does have charisma to invoke the heart of the people." I sighed then though. Looking back at the schedule I shook my head. "But he can't go on like this Lucius. Help me go over this thing please. Barty says he will test him out of first year curriculum tomorrow,but that only solves the strain for two weeks. He look at my notes." I said handing them over and pulling out a new parchment to make a new timetable.

We work on this for the next two hours. Situating in so he had all the same courses but for more organized in the mornings he would have Lucius and Narcissa during his pre breakfast tea. During breakfast he could go over the flower language with pansy and Draco verbally. After breakfast he would have history, arithmeticy, then transfiguration. During lunch Draco and Pansy could go over fashion with him. After lunch he would have charms, herbology, and potions. Then at afternoon tea he could study German with Barty. After tea he would have meditation and defense. Then dinner and nothing for the rest of the night.

Happy with what they had worked out they both smiled. And called for tea.

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