Chapter 58

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-Y/n's POV-

It was a cloudy afternoon of Monday. I was writing letters to Luna, Daphne, and my family, telling them that I wouldn't be able to return to Hogwarts, for my mother-in-law wanted to assure that I am safe, especially now that Death Eaters are always roaming around in the Wizarding World.

I stood up from the chair after I finished writing my letter. I was about to get my coat and head to the Owl Postal Service, but I remembered that Michael owns an owl. So, I fled to his room that was located in a different hallway.

When I was about to knock on his door, the door suddenly swung open and Michael stopped on his steps when he saw me in front of him.

"Oh, Y/n, Hi!" He grinned. "Why are you here?"

"Well, I was going to ask you if I could borrow your owl, but it seems to be you are going somewhere," I told.

"No, no, no," he chuckled. "I'm not going out-- I mean...yes, I'm going out but I was just making my way to the garden and get some fresh air. I love how cloudy today is."

"Oh, would you mind if I join?" I asked. "And maybe I could also send my letters there with your owl."

"Sure, come on."

☁︎︎ ❀ ☁︎

I gave the letters to Michael's owl and it flew away to the sky.

Michael rested his back on the backrest of the bench while I was watching his owl fly away until it became a dot in the sky.

"You have been awfully quiet this day." He spoke. "Did something happen? Between you and Draco?"

I let out a sigh and looked above the grey clouds, covering the whole sky. It's like my feelings were dull as the sky when someone was missing in my own puzzle. I don't feel complete when Draco and I are not on good terms. I feel like it's complicated to happen when he alone doesn't trust me.

"I think it's complicated for us to be together, Michael. I think he is not the right one for me." I said in a low and soft voice while looking back at the pond that has the reflection of the clouds and the trees that were dancing with the wind.

"You're just saying that because you think that Draco doesn't love you." He let out a soft chuckle.

"I do know that he loves me, but..." I paused for a moment before speaking again. "He never trusts me. I mean...Does he really even love me?"

"See, you are uncertain that he loves you. You doubt him, but let me tell you this, I have been watching Draco throughout our 6th year on how the way he looks at you, how he wanted to claim you as his and his only. He loves you, Y/n, he cares for you and he wanted to protect you regardless of how he couldn't control his temper. Well, he's trying to control his temper for you, but I hope you understand him, Y/n."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better..."

"I'm not. Well, I did tell this to make you feel better, but what I said was true." He smiled softly.

My lips parted, about to speak, when my mother-in-law suddenly called us in the door, telling us to come inside and hurry.

Michael and I exchanged each other's gazes, curious as to why she was making us hurry to come inside, as we walked.

☁︎︎ ❀ ☁︎

Weasley, Granger, and a boy, who somehow is unrecognizable, was here? But how?

The unrecognizable boy's face has swelling in his eyes and on the right corner under his lips. It is like he had been stung by a bee, but I feel like I knew who the man is, he is just too far away to be observed.

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