Transfers and standing

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2 weeks later
"Maya, I'm going to be late for work if we don't leave" Carina called from the door
"I'm coming" Maya said then Carina heard a thud and went to find her. "I'm fine I just hit the doorway again"
Carina found her and helped her get out of the doorway and they went back to the front door
"Do you have everything you need for therapy?" Carina asked
"Yes, I'm ready. Let's go"
Carina opened the door and Maya went out into the hall, hitting the door frame again
"I don't like this chair, it's too wide" Maya complains
"I know but this is your last day with it, si? You have another seating appointment today right?"
"Yes, at 4. You're coming right?"
"As long as there is no big emergency of course I will be there"
"Ok, can you push me?"
"You're supposed to be practicing doing this yourself" Carina tells her as she starts pushing her towards the elevator.
"I know, but I will all day at the hospital and I hate this chair!"
"Lo so, that's why I'm doing it"

Carina drove to the hospital and they walked in together before heading separate ways, Carina going to work and Maya going to rehab.

"Good morning" Sara, one of the physical therapist says when Maya enters the PT room
"You're starting over there today" Sara tells her pointing to one of the height adjustable tables. "I'll be there in a minute, get the table at the same height as your chair"

Maya went over to the table and after a few tries managed to hook the remote in her hand and put it on her lap. She could use her wrists more and was staring to get a bit of feeling back in her hands but picking anything up was a challenge. Once she had the remote on her lap she focused on trying to get her hand in the right position to push the button. After a while she finally got her thumb in the right spot and lowered the table. As soon as she had the table in the right spot Sara came over.

"Ok, get yourself in the right spot to transfer and put the brakes on" Sara told her as she took the remote and moved it out of the way.
Maya did and then Sara undid her seatbelt and chest strap.
"Ok, you're going to try to transfer by yourself. So scoot forward to the edge of your seat"
Maya did but also fell back into the backrest.
"Pull yourself back up" Sara told her, holding her arm out for Maya to use. She pulled herself back up then put one arm behind her so she wouldn't fall again.

"Good, now I'm going to put this transfer board down. Eventually we'll work on you getting it in place and then transferring without it but not yet"
Sara puts one end of the board under Maya and the other on the table
"Now put one hand right beside you and the other on the board, a bit away from your body"
Maya got her arms in place
"Ok, lean forward and use your arms to push yourself over so your body's against your right hand"
Maya was surprised when she managed to do it without falling.
"Good, now adjust your feet then do the same thing again. Left hand against your body, right one away, you can try moving it further if you want. And just repeat that until you're all the way on the table"
"Ok" Maya said then she picked up one leg and moved it off the footrest, loosing her balance in the process and falling straight forward onto her legs. Sara helped her sit up again and she moved her other leg. It took a few minutes but she transferred to the table independently.

After that she worked on sitting without using her arms, laying down, rolling over and sitting up. Then it was time for neck exercises and stretches. Maya was happy when it was finally time for stretching her legs because she got to lay down and take a break while Sara stretched her legs. Then Sara got her to transfer back into her chair independently which was harder because her arms were tired and sore. Finally she got to leave to go find Carina for lunch.

Maya went to the OB floor, she didn't find Carina but she saw Jo
"Wilson!" Maya called
"Maya, hi" Jo said turning around
"Do you know where Carina is?"
"I think she got paged to the pit"
"Thanks" Maya said and headed back the to elevator to go to the ER

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