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In the trauma room
Amelia walked in, everyone had already started assessing her.
"I need scans ASAP, head and spinal CT. Has anyone looked at her back?" Amelia asked as she joined everyone
"We're about to roll her to take a look" Hunt replies
They roll her on her side and Amelia removes the gauze and tape Vic had used to stabilize it.
"Crap" she says as she sees exactly what Ben told her, metal sticking out her spine. "Me and Link definitely need to be in the OR when you take this out to help with her spine"
"Ok, we're almost ready to go for scans, just need to redress that and roll her back over" Meredith says

We get her laying on her back and strapped down to the backboard again
"We just need a vent so she can go in the CT, I sent Schmitt to get one, where is he!" Mer says
Just then Schmitt comes in with a vent and they start setting it up, until Amelia tells everyone to be quiet.
"Stop, she's awake" she tells everyone before turning back to Maya. "Hi Maya, its Amelia, dr Shepherd, you're at Grey Sloan. I'm going to ask you some questions then we'll get Carina to come see you before we go to surgery. Blink once for yes, twice for no, can you do that for me?"
She blinks once
"Good, follow my finger, just with your eyes, don't try to move your head"
She did
"Great, now Ben said you woke up with them earlier, do you remember that?"
She blinks once again
"Ok, now I don't want you to move around to much but can you try moving your fingers"
Everyone waited a few seconds, nothing happened
"Ok, now try your toes"
Again nothing
"Ok, are you in pain?"
One blink
"What hurts? Your head?"
One blink
"What about your neck?"
One blink again
"Anything else hurt?"
Two blinks
"Ok, we'll get you some pain meds then take you for scans then surgery"
She blinks twice
"You want to see Carina first?"
One blink
"Before pain meds"
One blink

Owen steps out, "Carina, she's awake"
Carina comes in and Amelia moves so she can stand where Maya can see her.
"We have to take her for scans and surgery but she wanted to see you first" Amelia tells her

"Hi Bambina" Carina says as she puts her hand on Maya's head, kissing her on the forehead. "I promise I'll give your a real kiss as soon as you get that tube out"
Carina kept talking to her in a mix of Italian and English while they both tried not to cry, neither succeeding. After a few minutes Amelia said they had to take her for scans.
"Ok bella, time to get you fixed up, I'll walk with you to CT, si?"
"We just have to switch her to the vent then we'll go, I'll be quick Maya, ready?"
She blinked once and Amelia got her on the vent before they headed out.

After the scans they gave her a sedative before taking her to the OR so that Carina could be with her until she fell asleep. Then Carina had to leave to go find everyone in the waiting room while the doctors took Maya into surgery.

In the OR everyone was scrubbing in while Maya was put under.
"Ok, what's the plan" Amelia asked "I need access to her spine to stabilize it but I can't do that until the metal's out"
"Leave her on her back while we remove the metal and fix any internal damage then close up her abdomen and roll her, unless anything unexpected comes up" Meredith suggests
"Sounds good" Amelia says "I'll stitch up her head while you work"

As Grey and Hunt work on her abdomen, Amelia and Link discuss the plan for her neck. Many hours later they're finally done the surgery and have Maya settled in the ICU, they went to find Carina in the waiting room. Everyone who had been on scene was in the waiting room except Sullivan who was being kept overnight for observation with a concussion.

"Carina do you want to go somewhere more private to talk?" Amelia asked her
"Si, Andy and Ben you can come if you want" she replies
They both do so they all head to a conference room nearby.

Meredith starts, "the metal was cutting off blood supply to part of her intestines. We repaired the damage but the blood supply had been cut off for too long. There was a lot of dead bowel we had to remove and we had to do an ileostomy."

Then it was time for Amelia to talk, the moment she'd been dreading.
"We did a head CT, no signs of any bleeds, she probably has a concussion but other than that her brain is fine. The piece of metal that was in her abdomen was going right through to her back, it appeared to be going through her spine and scans confirmed that. Once the metal was out Link and I stabilized her spine but the metal completely severed her spinal cord at T6."

Amelia had to stop as Carina completely broke down, Andy went to hug her and they both cried for a few minutes before Carina pulled herself together enough to keep listening.

"There was also an injury to her neck resulting in her spinal cord being severely compressed and fractures in some of her cervical vertebrae, C4, 5 and 6. I put in a halo while we were in the OR, we have her in halo traction. I'm not sure how long she'll need to be in traction for, we'll get new scans tomorrow and I'll have a bit of a better idea then. She might end up needing surgery to stabilize her neck but there's no way of knowing yet"

"So you're telling me she's quadriplegic" Carina says
"Currently, yes, but there's a chance she'll recover movement and feeling in her arms and upper trunk with traction and rehab"
Carina just nodded. "Can I see her?"
"Ya, I'll bring you to her. We're keeping her sedated for now and she's still intubated but you can see her, just you for tonight"

Carina turns to Andy and Ben. "Thank you, for helping her and staying with me. I'll let you know when you can come see her. You can tell the rest of 19 about her injuries but not the ostomy, she can decide if she's going to tell anyone that. But just 19, she wouldn't want the whole department knowing all the details."
"Ok, let us know if either of you need anything"
"Thanks Andy"

Amelia brought Carina to Maya's room in the ICU. She was laying flat in the bed, a metal ring bolted into her skull trying to fix her spine, a breathing tube down her throat attached to a ventilator, an NG tube taped to her face, multiple IVs hooked up to all sort of medications and fluids, and a catheter coming out from under her gown.
Carina stood near the bed crying not going any closer.
"You can touch her, just don't move her around. You can hold her hand if you're careful. I'll leave you alone with her, I'll check in later"

The next two days nothing changed. The traction was helping but it was slow. She wasn't breathing on her own yet so they were still keeping her sedated and talking about a trach. Carina hadn't left the hospital, only leaving the room to go to the bathroom. Andy brought her stuff from the apartment once the roads were clear and had gotten to visit Maya briefly. Everyone was just waiting for progress

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