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6 weeks after the crash, Maya was going home. Most people would have to stay longer but they were letting her switch to outpatient rehab. She's independent in a power chair and can mostly feed herself and help with transfers. She's learning to use a manual chair but her arms can't handle using one all day yet. She's borrowing the power wheelchair and a shower chair until she gets her own. They've been planning this for the past week and today's discharge day.

"Good morning" Maya says when she wakes up and sees Carina already up and walking around the room packing things.
"Good morning!"
"I can't believe I get to go home today"
"I know, tomorrow morning we'll wake up together in our bed"
"I can't wait to be home"
"Are you ready to get dressed?"
"What do you want to wear today?"
"Are we still planning on surprising everyone?"
"As long as you're up for it."
"I'm good. I'll wear my black leggings and one of my 19 shirts"
"Can we do black sweatpants instead, it's a bit cold today. Plus that way you can wear the leg bag for the catheter and it will be hidden."
"Ya, good idea"

Carina got her ready and dressed, Maya helping as much as she can. She doesn't need the compression socks anymore to maintain her blood pressure so it doesn't take as long to get her ready.
"Do you want to wear shoes?" Carina asks her
"Sure" she had only worn shoes a few times since the accident, they were hard to get on her and didn't really have a purpose for her anymore but outside the hospital they were expected. So Carina wrestled socks and shoes onto her feet.

"Ready to get up?" Carina asks
Carina brought the wheelchair over to the side of the bed then raised the bed so it was easier to pull Maya up to sitting. Once she was sitting up she used her arms to balance while Carina moved her legs off the side of the bed. Then Carina lifted her from under her arms while Maya helped by pushing herself as much as she could with her arms and they got her in the wheelchair then Carina adjusted her to make sure she was all the way back in the seat and strapped her in before making sure her feet were on the footrest.

Then Carina put Maya's hair up and helped her brush her teeth and they were all ready, just waiting for her to be discharged. Amelia came in soon after they were ready.
"Good morning, I see you're all ready to get out of here"
"Ya, no offence but 6 weeks is a very long time"
"Well, I have discharge papers for you! These just need signing then you're free"

A few minutes later they were heading out. Carina had brought most of their stuff home the day before so they just had a small bag with them.

They took a wheelchair cab to 19. Maya wanted to go to the station so that was their first stop. Only Andy knew she was getting discharged today, she wanted to surprise everyone by showing up. Beckett had been demoted and transferred, nothing had happened with Sullivan because he hadn't been in charge but he chose to transfer since no one at 19 liked him after hearing about everything so they had no reason not to go to the station. Andy wasn't working today so she was meeting them here. The cab pulled up in front of the station and they got out as Andy walked over to them.

"Hey!" Andy said as she came over
"Shh, don't ruin the surprise by yelling!" Maya told her as Andy bent over to give her a hug.
"Sorry but it's impossible for me not to be excited about my best friend getting out of the hospital. I'll go inside and get everyone upstairs"
A minute later Carina got a text from Andy

"Let's go" Carina said and they went inside and over to the elevator to head upstairs. When the elevator doors opened Maya went out first and started heading over to the table. Everyone turned when they heard the elevator and everyone originally from A-shift (there were 3 subs) was yelling excitedly and got up and came over to her. They all hugged her then headed back over to the table, someone pulling a chair away so Maya could roll up to the table, Carina sat next to her.

"We were about to have lunch, do you want to eat here?" Travis asked
Maya turned to Carina
"Do we have my-" she quietly asked
"Ya, in your bag" Carina replied, also quiet
"Sure, what are you having?" Maya replied to Travis
"Mac and cheese and salad" Vic told her
Maya was relieved it was something she could eat relatively easily, hopefully without spilling.
Carina volunteered to set the table which Maya was grateful for because it made it less obvious than having to switch out utensils someone put in front of her. Carina just got Maya's adaptive fork out of her bag and gave her 2 bowls instead of a plate, she ended up pushing a lot of food onto the table when she tried to scoop off a plate. People obviously noticed but no one commented on it.

They all ate and Maya did well, she only needed Carina's help to scoop the last few bites. Then they were all talking when they heard someone coming up the stairs.

"19, why is no one at the desk?" The chief asked as she walked up
"Sorry chief, we were just eating and we have visitors" Gibson said
Maya backed up from the table and turned so she could see her, the neck brace stopping her from just turning her head.
"Captain Bishop, nice to see you again. I'm glad to see you out of the hospital" the chief said when she turned
"Thank you, I just got discharged today. But it's not captain" Maya responded
"It is actually, the investigation into your actions was closed and your rank is restored"
"Thank you, I'm glad the investigation is finished but I can't return to being captain"
"I'm aware but you still get your rank. I'm actually here today to talk about a new captain for 19"

The chief took everyone to the conference room separately to talk, not taking very long with each person. Then she asked Andy to come talk to her. Andy came back out a few minutes later.
"Maya, can I talk to you, privately?" She asked
"Sure" Maya replied and followed her into the locker room.

"What's going on Andy?" Maya asked
"She just offered me captain of 19. I've always wanted that but it's your job and I feel like I'm stealing it from you and if it wasn't for the stupid men I've slept with then this would be you getting your job back" Andy says quickly as she paces around the room
"Andy, you're spinning, we don't spin. Calm down and sit" Maya tells her as she brings her wheelchair over close to one of the benches. Andy listened and sat on the bench next to her. Maya reached out to her and Andy took her hand.

"Of course I want you to be captain. It was your job first, I never should have taken it" Maya told her
"But, I just-"
"Stop, I'm not mad at you, why would I be mad"
"Because it should be you"
"Well it can't be me. So what, we should let another straight white man take over? No way, 19 gets to have its second captain Herrera"
"You're not mad?"
"No, come here, give me a hug"
Andy got up and hugged her then they went back to find everyone, Andy went back into the office then came out a few minutes later with the chief. She walked back over to Maya and whispered to her. Maya replied and backed away from the table again, going around to the end of the table with Andy so everyone could see them.

"Hey!" Maya said and waited for people to stop talking and look at them. "I want to introduce you all to the new captain of station 19, Andy Herrera!" She said
Everyone was excited and jumped up to hug Andy, Maya moved away and went back over to Carina who hugged her

"Are you ok? I'm sorry, I didn't know this was happening today" Carina asks quietly
"It's ok, I'm happy for Andy"
A little while later they left and went home. Andy stayed at the station which Maya was happy because she got some time to talk to Carina about going to the station and Andy's promotion.

Once they were home and everything had been checked and emptied Carina helped Maya onto the couch so they could sit together. Carina held her while they talked about going to the station, Maya crying for a bit. She really was happy for Andy but it was hard watching her friend get promoted to what had been her job while she was struggling to relearn how to feel and use her arms.

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