B1 Part 8.75 No way home

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I'm on earth.

With my cousin Ben.

How we get here I don't know, nor how to get back home.

We were in the cave with our friends and a second later we were in a similar but different cave, alone.

What are we supposed to do now? I could go to my abu's house, but she'll tell mama and I'll get in trouble, and I can't tell mom or mama, it would get me in trouble too.

There has to be a way to fix this without me getting in trouble. But, how?

Breathing starts getting difficult as a million thoughts run through my mind. An anxiety attack.

Ben approaches me and puts his hands on my shoulders, his face in front of mine.
"Hey, hey, Azura. Look at me" I raise my eyes to meet his, "It's okay, we're going to find our way back home", his tone is calming and comforting.
"But, my mothers are gonna find out we traveled through the realms and I'll get in trouble and" I say before Ben cuts me, his grip on my shoulders gets a bit stronger.
"Azura, will find a way home without them even knowing we left the demon realm" Ben has always be the calm but cool one. The one that help me through my anxiety attacks.
"But, they'll realize something is wrong when I don't show up tonight" I'm still thinking about all the things that can go wrong.
"Well figure out something. Besides, I'm sure our friends are trying to find a way of helping us through the other side" Ben reassures me.

Wait. Our friends. I totally forget about them.

I take Ben's hands out of my shoulders, take my scroll and go to Winter's chat.

She has written me, asking if we are okey and where the hex are we.

I start writing, but I'm not sure what to write so I erase everything I've written and call her instead.

Beep, beep, beep

After the third beep she picks up.

"Azura! Oh my titan! Are you okey? Where are you? Are you with Ben? And"
"Slow down, flash" I say, cutting her in her rambling, "I am fine, and I'm with Ben, who is fine too. We are on earth, I don't know how we end up here" I say, trying to remain calm, successfully for now, "but...my mothers, they gonna get mad if I don't get back home, and I... I don't know how to get back or what to do, and"
"Azura!" Winter stops me when from rambling more. I've maybe lost a bit of calm.

I shut up. There's a silence for a few seconds followed by a deep breath until Winter speaks again.

"Azura, don't worry about your mothers, I've already taken care of that. We told all of our parents we are camping. Including yours and Ben's"
"Oh, alright, that's a good idea. Wait, all of ours? Are Mason and Adrien still with you?"
"Yes, they are. We are in the cave, trying to find a way to bring you two back"
"Oh, how thoughtful of them" I say, as I didn't expect Mason to stay to find a solution, or even to care about me, "So we have to find how to fix this before tomorrow, right?"
"That's correct"
"And what if we can't, they'll find out we are in another realm AND that we lied to them. And that's worse. I don't know if this is a good idea, Winter"
I loose the little calm I had left.
"Hey bichito, don't worry. Everything is going to get solve, you'll see. Besides, this is our best option" she's right, it is, "Now, take a deep breath, or as many as you need. And maybe show Ben around a bit before you start thinking how to get here, so that way you can relax and have a clearer mind"

I take a deep breath as she told me. Then another, and so on until I fell I can breathe normal again.
She knows how to makes me feel better.

"Alright, I'll show Ben around and then we'll go back to the cave" I tell Winter but loud enough for Ben to hear me, "Goodbye"
"See you later" Winter says and she ends the call.

Thank God we're in our casual outfit instead of the school uniform. That would have been difficult to explain to whoever saw us in the earth, they're not an usual outfit here.
I'm wearing my favorite red t-shirt with baggy jeans trousers, and some orange with a yellow shade converse alike shoes.
Ben has a sweatshirt blue with a black hood, his initial sewn by his father over his heart and an ice glyph drawn on his back, some dark purple leggings and boots the same colour as the hood.

"So, what do you wanna see first?" I ask and he looks me with doubt in her expression.
"I don't know, I don't know anything about earth haha"
"I see" I remember he hadn't been on earth before, few people have been in both realms, "then I'll show you my abu's house, from far so she can't see us, and maybe some human's shops" I say as we start walking.

"Human's shops? What do you wanna buy?" He says.
"Well, we can buy something to eat and, wait" I stop myself in my tracks, Ben keeps walking until he notices i stop, "mierda, we don't have human money to buy anything"

"It's okey, we don't have to, we can go to your abu's and then back to the cave, we'll eat when we're back home"
I nod and keep walking.

It takes us around a minute to get near my abu's home, because it's near the old house placed where we left the forest.

We duck behind a bush when we see a woman leave the house through the front door. My abu.
When she's out of sight we come closer to the house.
"So, this is it. Do you wanna see the backyard?"

I usher him to the back. I feel a little wrong sneaking into the garden, like if I'm trespassing, but it's only to look, it's not like we are thieves ready to steal something.

In the backyard I show him the old Mama's red bat that I used to play baseball, although I'm not good at it.
Ben didn't know what baseball is, so I explained how it's played.

I show him a couple more things until I feel relaxed, and we leave.

We are walking towards the cave now.
We have to cross the road so I look to both sides. But Ben doesn't. He starts walking like if he's walking through a meadow. But this isn't a meadow, it's a road, and it's dangerous walking without looking.

And unfortunately, a car is coming, directed to Ben.
"Ben! Look out!"
It's too late when I react, Ben is out of my reach now.

The car tries to slow down, but there's no enough space.
So I make a circle and the abomination goo comes out of my bottle purse. A poodle is form in the ground and I make a cylinder out of the goo with my magic to punch the side of the car, making the car change its direction and miss Ben, but still passing pretty close.

"What was that?!" Ben exclaims.
"A car" I answer.
"What the..." The owner of the car says, "what have you done?" He's looking to the side of their car, which have now the door half broken.

"We have to go. Now!" I say to Ben as I draw another circle in the air, the goo getting back in my purse.
I grab his arm and start running into the woods, Ben half running half stumbling behind me. We don't stop until we reach the cave.

We are now facing the entrance of the cave, I'm not ready to get in just yet, but I have to, we can't loose more time, we have to find our way home.

Author's note:

Hello there y'all.

Firs of all, this is not proof reading.

Second, I'm sorry it took me so long to post this chapter. I don't feel like writing lately, so don't know when I'll be posting next chapter,  sorry.
Nevertheless I hope you are liking it so far and I want to let you know that this story is still not finished, I have a lot of things planned.

If you want you can ask me her whatever question about this fic you have, and maybe I made a chapter of questions and answers.

Also, I'm posting the characters of this fics with their casual outfits on my Instagram  account  (name margb_light)

Aaaaand, if other than The Owl House you like Percy Jackson, then you should follow the account margb_pjo on Instagram, it's my new account created specifically for this TOH x Pjo AU.

And that's all for now.


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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