Book 1 part 5.5: The cave, the prank and the problem

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Author note:
So, i have changed something in the previous chapter. I changed the t-shirt Azura is wearing because I have decided her favourite colour is red. I also decide her second favourite colour which is orang but with a yellow shade, I don't know how to describe it but if you are curious you can check my Instagram, for now this colours are in a story, but soon I'll post a drawing of Azura in casual clothes that, of course, have her favourite colours.

AND I have post the drawing of Edric and Hunter, and the drawing of Ben in the previous episode!

And, i forgot to mention that Aiden and Adrien are 15 years old! That's an important information? I don't know, for understanding them better? I don't know.

We tell Ben about the cave and we decide to go explore the cave.
We go out through the back door of the house, leave the garden and walk between the trees.
It take us ten minutes to get to the cave. The entrance of the cave isn't too big, just over three meters wide and three meters tall.

The three of us stop before the gate.
"Are you guys ready?" I ask, a little nervous, not knowing what this cave contains.

"I..." Adrien is speechless and has a shy look that turns into a intrigued look.
"Yes, i wonder what this cave has ready for us"
"Yeah, let's rock it" Ben take a step in front of us, stoping to take some glyphs out before continuing.

Adrien usually has a sheepish attitude, but today, he seems more confident, decided to learn the secrets of this cave.
And Ben, he's more extroverted and positive. And despite not having magic, he's very confident.
I admire him for that.

The thing he is less confident in is maybe being Hunter's child. I mean, he's not ashamed of him, he has a good relationship with Hunter, and adores him but he doesn't want people in Hexside to know the profesor of the Glyphs track is his father.
I think that's the reason he dyes her hair green and the reason that despite Hunter has taken the Blight last name he goes by Wittbane in Hexside.

So no one knows Hunter and Ben are related, well, except us, their family.
It's true that some people suspect something because they both don't have magic and have some rasgos en común, ugh, how was that in English?
Common traits? Common characteristics? I'm gonna go with that one, they have common characteristics, like their noses that are identical.

That's one thing I don't really like about knowing two lenguajes, sometimes I know how to say something in one of them, but I forgot momentarily how to say it in the other.
Usually is in Spanish the one I don't know how to say it, but since everyone here speaks English that's not a problem.

Anyway, the cave. Ben leads the way inside the cave. Its interior is pretty big. The three of us are in awe.

"What should we do now?" I ask.
"Explore!" That's all the answer Adrien gives me.
I already know that was the plan, so it didn't help me, but I say nothing and follow Adrien who has started walking.

Meanwhile in the house:

Luca's POV

"What prank do you wanna make? And on who?" I ask to Aiden.
"Mmm... I dunno, what about make someone believe they are falling or that every else has disappear or something like that?" Aiden has a devious smirk in his face.
"Yeah, that would be cool, but, who do we prank?" I already have someone in mind, but i want to see who he suggests.
"Well, what about uncle Hunter? He is the only one without magic, and if we take away his staff and glyphs before the prank he will have nothing to do against it" Aiden says, giving me pretty good reasons of his election.
And besides, that's exactly who I was thinking.
We talk a bit about the plan and when it's all settled we walk downstairs.
Aiden and Adrien's rooms is upstairs, as well as Viney and Emira room, while the kitchen and living room are downstairs.
Aiden and Adrien don't share a room. They used to, but once they grew up a little they started to want more autonomy from each other.

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