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This story is set 26 years after season 2A (except the flashbacks, which I'll state when they happen)

I'll upload drawings alongside the story made by me (but for more art you can follow me on Instagram, which is margb_light).

Let's recap what happened:

Luz defeated Belos with her friends' help, and along Eda they managed to create a portal back to earth.
Once they defeated Belos Lilith took control of the Islands until an election could be held. They continued using the coven system, however, it isn't mandatory to be in a coven anymore, and once you are in one you can switch, and you can even be in more than one at a time. The majority of the witches are usually in only one coven though.
Other change worth noting is the one Hexside made. With Luz's help they create a new track, called Glyphs, where you can learn everything there's to know about glyphs.

This story will narrate how they live with this changes, focusing in the lifes of the owl house main characters' children, as well as it will tell events that happened through this 26 years (via flashback).

The first three chapters are to introduce new characters and say what happened with the already known. The same happened with book 1 part 2, is to introduce and recap, so if you want to read only the story I suppose you can skip them, but I suggest you to read all so you get to know better the characters.

I swear the chapters get better ous the story goes on..

Author note:

I have create an AU about the owl house on my Instagram , until now I was introducing characters and stating what happened with the characters of the owl house, as well as sharing some comics created by me about it on Instagram.
This fanfic will explore the same things and stories, but being more detailed, I suppose. And if you like this fanfic I suggest you to go check my Instagram, username: margb_light.
In this note I also want to excuse myself if I make some mistakes in the future, writing is NOT my thing, and I ask you to tell me if you see any so I can right them.

Also, if you have any questions or suggestions, leave it in the comment! Or just tell me what you think - I'd love to read all your ideas and thoughts!

I don't know how often I'll be able to post new chapters. Hopefully every week, (more frequently if I can manage to) or every two weeks at most (if not, I'll try let you know).

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