Book 1 part 4: I go downhill

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That afternoon. Winter and I are walking through a field, up a hill.

"How was detention?" Winter asks.
"It was so dull I just wanted to fall asleep right there"
"Hahaha, poor Azura..." Winter answers laughing softly.
"Oh, shut up Win..." I spill.

We keep walking until we reach the top of the hill. There we contemplate the sights in silence.

Suddenly someone emerges from behind a bush. I turn around to see a boy with an evil smile in his face. He's running towards me, with no apparent intention of stopping.
He pushes me and I fall downhill.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?" I hear Winter screams at him as I fall.
A couple seconds later I get to the bottom and stop.

Winter is now running downhill towards me dragging Mason, grabbing his wrist. They stop when they reach me.

"Azura! Are you okey?" Winter asks with a worried tone.
"Yeah... don't worry. I hurt my knees but I'll recover"
"Hahaha you should have seen you going downhill... Hilarious, just hilarious." Mason says, almost with tears of laughter in the eyes.
Winter looks at him dead serious.
"Really?? She could have hurt herself! What were you thinking?!?" Winter shouts to Mason.
"Well, she's not hurt. And I saw you two standing there and I felt it would be funny to push Zuzu. I didn't intend to push her downhill, just to the ground though". He explains.
"And I suppose you are happy now..." Winter murmurs.
"Well, it hadn't gone as planned, but still it was funny" He says fast, like if he doesn't think before speak.
"Why are you like this?" I say, looking at him in the eyes. I'm almost about to cry. He stares at me, a blank expression in his face...with a shade of sadness? It can't be sad, right?
"I...I don't really know..." He sighs.
"Then you better stop messing with Azura" Winter states.
"And stop calling me Zuzu, please" I add.
"I...I can't promise anything"  And with that, he leaves.

Winter and I look at each other, I'm still on the ground.
"What was that about?" I ask, confused.
"I don't know" Winter answers.
"Was he..." I can't finish my train of thoughts "He looks...sorry?" I doubt my own words.
"Yeah, that was strange" Winter agrees with me. "Maybe he leaves you alone at least" she wishes to be right.

A silence falls between us. A couple second pass and Winter offers me her hand. I grab it.

I get up and feel a strong breeze coming from beside me. It's so strong I fell again.
"Azura!" Winter comes to me, again.
"What was that?" I ask.
"Someone flying, I think"
Just after Winter finishes saying that, someone approaches us.

"Hi little sister. I'm sorry, i didn't see you two here, are you ok?" Luca apologizes.
"Yes. What are you doing here Luca?"
"Just training. Byeee" He jumps into mama's staff and fly off.

There's no trees here, or rocks or obstacles so it's a good place to train i suppose.
But he has to be more careful. I'm gonna snitch on him to mom during dinner, that will for sure teach him to look where he's going.
Oh, thinking about that, is Winter gonna stay for dinner? Or is she going home sooner?
"Hey Win, are you up for dinner at my place?"
"Not today, sorry. Little B wants to show us something she found in the forest and my moms say she can show us during dinner"
I'm a bit disappointed but I nod.
"Alright. Do you wanna walk a little more before going home?"

The sun has set already. I'm walking Winter home.
"Here we are. See you tomorrow?"
"Yeah, sure"
"Alright. Good night Win"
"Night Azura"
She goes inside and I head home.

I arrive and go to the kitchen. The table is set. Mom and mama are cooking together.
"Oh, hi Azura, dinner is almost ready!" Mama says.
"Good, in famished" I sit at the table.
"No, don't sit down, go look for your brother, he's in his room" Mom orders me.

Luca's POV
I'm in my room, lying in my bed, resting. I'm tired of training.
Apart of the fact that I almost run into Azura it when pretty well.

Someone knock in the door.
"Come in"
Azura opens the door.
"Dinner is almost ready, mom sent me to look for you"
"Okey, coming"

End of Luca's POV

Once in the kitchen I sit by Luca. The food is already serve. We start eating.
"How was your day sweethearts?" Mom asks us.
"Mine was fine. In school everything went pretty good and I even train a little after school with mama's staff. I've left it by the door"
"My day was.." I think what to say next "...not good" I say.
"Huh?" Mama days, her mouth full of food, so I think she wants to say 'Why?' so I answer as if that's what she said.
" school someone got me into trouble, nothing too serious, and then...while I was walking with Winter...I fell down a hill" I don't want them to know someone push me. "Oh, and then, Luca MADE me fall while flying" I say with a devious smirk, looking at Luca. He gives me a withering look.

"Luca! You know you have to be careful while flying!" Mom screams. "Someone could get hurt"
"I'm sorry mom, it won't happen again" He answers avoiding mom's eyes.
"Have you apologize to your sister yet?" Mama asks him.
"I'm sorry Azura" Luca doesn't look at me while saying it.
"It's alright, I suppose"

"Then, if all is settle, let's talk about when do we leave tomorrow" Mama interject.
"Tomorrow?" I don't know what she's talking about.
"Yeah, as you know, tomorrow Saturday is the family dinner of this week, instead of the Sunday as it use to be. And your aunts have invited us to spend the day with them. So, when we leaving?"
"Yeah, right, i knew that" No, i didn't.
"How was i going to forget? Haha..." i completely forgot.
"I love the aunties!" That one is true, i love them.
"We...we can go before lunch?"

Author note

Hello there. I hope you are enjoying this fic. Thank you so much to everyone who reads it!

The story is starting to take of, are you liking where it's going?

The next chapter I'll introduce new characters, but I'll develop the story as well.

I have started a new fan fic, about my other AU, calle The Avatar Realm! Is...a mix? I'm gonna say mix, between The Owl House and Avatar The Last Airbender.
For now it only have one chapter, and if I have time on Sunday I'll update the second one.

Once again, I'm sorry my writing is not perfect, i try to correct as many errors as I can but there's possibly more. If you see any you can tell me to wright them.

You can also tell me if you have any suggestions.

Have a nice weekend!

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