B1 Part 7.0: The storm has a name, part 1, the fight

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The storm has a name. And his name is Mason.

You're probably wondering why I say this now. Then I better start from the beginning.

Monday morning

I wake up in the morning doubting if I should get out of the bed. I definitely don't want to, but I have school and I'm trying to do good.
"Ugh" I say outloud. Why can I just don't go, and fail? Oh, yeah, right, I don't think I won't be able to stand what all the people will call me if I do that. Not to mention my mothers would ground me.

So I finally get up and get ready to have breakfast. Everything goes as usual, and I walk to school alongside Luca.
It didn't take us long to arrive.

Once we have go through the entrance our routes depart. So I head to my first class of glyphs as he walks into the other direction.

I enter the room where the class is teached and take a sit, not at the back, but neither in the front line.

The teacher comes through the door and all the murmurs get extinguishs.
The teacher, my uncle Hunter, clears his throat, ready to tell us something.
"Today won't be an usual lesson. You would be fighting duels by pairs. But you can use only use glyph magic" He explains.

A student raise their hand. "Yes?" Uncle asks. "Are we able to choose our partner or are you gonna do it?"
"Neither, it would be aleatory"

I don't really care who my partner is, except for one specific person, so I'm okey with that.

"Shall we start adjudicating partners? When your name is called you should get up and join your partner" The teacher says as he select randomly two names among all the students' names.
"Student x and student y" He says out, and just as he finish mentioning them they get up and walk to their reunion.
The teacher says another two names and the respective people do the same as the ones before. And this go on and on and on, until there is just four of us left. Me, student z, student w and...Mason.

Oh Titan, I can't believe my luck. But I still can get pair with one of my other two classmates. Yeah, that's what's gonna happen, or at least that's what I want to believe.

Uncle takes one name out and reads it "student w"
Okey, now my name, yeah, come on. He read the next name, first for himself, then outloud "student z"

Oh no.
*Insert broken glass' sound*
This can't be happening.
I turn myself to see Mason with a smirk in his face.
Oh Titan, he's gonna crush me. I'm good with the basic of glyph magic, but that's all, at least for now.
Thank God Mami taught me some cool things to do with glyphs.

With that and the basic I can defend myself, and even win the duel, right?
Yes, it's gonna be alright, I say to myself as I take a deep breath and stand up to meet Mason.

The first duel starts, and after it the second and so on. I'm not really paying attention, I'm thinking of what I'm going to do. Before I was scared, but i have realized that if I do this well, ok at least, it can be my way of getting back at Mason for all his pranks. I can take this as an opportunity to kick his butt without anyone stoping me. But for that I have to be better than him, and that's why I need a good plan.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn to find me face to face with my uncle. "Azura, it's your turn" He says.
Wow, I really zoomed out. I didn't realize everyone else had already fought.
"Alright" I say as I stand up and walk to the field.

I place myself at the end of one side of the field, Mason is in the other one.
I make a defensive pose and take out a bunch of my glyphs. Thankfully while I was zooming out I managed to make some glyphs to add to the ones I already have.
Mason takes his glyphs out too. From this far I can't see what type of glyphs they are.

We are waiting for Hunter to give us the green light, metaphorically, there's no green lights, what he do to indicate we can start is making a ball of fire explode.

And as the ball of fire explode high in the sky I start running towards Mason while he's shifting to his left. I'm like ???. Why is he running to my right?
I try to change my course, successfully. I get ready to attack taking a plant glyph.
I stop running and stand, facing Mason, who is also standing towards me. I bend down and place the plant glyph on the ground, pressing on top of it. A vine comes out of the little paper and grabs one of Mason's feet, while the end makes him a little cut in the thigh. He immediately presses on a fire glyph, a flame coming out of the paper, and he directs it to the vine in his feet, making his feet free once again.
Then he takes an ice glyph and creates some kind of sword of ice and blades it against me. I try dodge it, but it cut my right eyebrow a little. I take out a glyph Mami had given me some time ago. I place the glyph on my chest, press it and stop breathing. I disappear.

Mason is disconcerted. We haven't learn this glyph in class yet. He's looking everywhere without knowing what to do. Meanwhile I have managed to get near him, facing his face.
And i breath again, showing myself and using a light glyph, blinding him.

He lets the sword fall out and takes his hand to his face, rubbing his eyes. I take the advantage of the occasion to tie him in vines and getting out of his reach.

Once he can see again and tries to take his arms down he realizes he can't move his arms and looks down.
He growls and makes a small circle with his finger. A pillar rises from the ground, cutting the vine on his side, almost cutting him too.

"Hey, that's not fair! You can only use glyph magic!" I scream. Sadly, this takes my plan down. I was doing so well, I was so close to win...

But I'm not gonna let this affect me. If he is using another type of magic also I will.

So I opened my bottle-purse, draw a circle in the air and make some goo abomination came out, creating a sword with it.
Mason also draws a circle in the air and creates a pillar with a sword on top of it, and takes the sword from the pilar.

We are about to start a sword fight when two huge vines come out of nowhere and trap us both in them. Our swords fall to the ground, smashing into little pieces.

I look at the grades and I see is the teacher the one who trap us in the vines. He seems disappointed.

He walks slowly to where we are. He stops in front of us and sighs.
"I said only glyph magic can be used" He pinch between his eyes, "and you both used another type of magic"

"But he's the one who started it! And..." I shout.
"But you also used other magic, so you did as wrong as he did" Uncle answers, interrupting my complaint.
"That's why you both are sanctioned. This afternoon. You'll have to come here. The duel is over"
The vines retract and let us free. I make a circle, all the goo enter the bottle and i close it. I turn to talk to my uncle, but he is already gone.

Hello guys!
I divide this chapter because I don't have time to write all what I have thought for this day in the time I have in a week.

I think I'm gonna divide chapters in two or more part often, but trying not leaving it in a cliffhanger.

You can tell me your thoughts about this chapter or the whole fic, I like your feedback 👀.


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