B1 part 6.5: the sun before the storm (second part), the picnic

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When all the food is ready we place it in a basket along a blanket. We say our goodbyes and leave.

So now is just Winter and I, walking, heading to the grom tree.
We have a chit chat in the way, but as suddenly as the sigh of the tree is infront of us we are left without words.
It's truly a beautiful view to admire. We stand in the same place at least five minutes until Winter coughs and clears her throat. That's what takes me back to reality.

"Shall we?" I ask Winter, offering her my hand.
She nods and takes my hand.

"Yeah, let's place the things"

Winter takes the blanket from the basket and places it on the ground under the grom tree and I take out the hot dogs, the papas and the cake, leaving it over the blanket.

Winter stares at the food, lip smacking. It's pretty late for lunch, it took us more than expected to cook the cake, so it's understandable she's hungry, so I sit with our back to the tree, and Winter to my right. I extend my hand to reach a glass bottle and offer it to Winter. "Want some ketchup?" She nods and takes the glass bottle, pouring ketchup in her vegan hot dog. "Do you want some?" She asks me while offering the bottle. "No, thank you" I decline her offer. I'm not a ketchup fan, but I knew she was gonna want ketchup so I thought ahead and acted before she could even asks. She shrugs her shoulders, "alright, you're missing it out, it's so nice", she's now staring at her vegan hot dog with ketchup with an anxious gaze.

I laugh to my self, what is she waiting for? It's obvious she wants to eat more than anything in the world. "Why don't you eat already?"
"I'm waiting for you, and I know you usually put crispy onion in your hot dog, so I'll start with you when you're ready" She explains without taking her gaze of her food. A grin forms in my face as I look for the crispy onion in the basket.
Once all is ready we start to eat.

"Tomorrow we have school, again...are you gonna be okey?" Win asks me, almost in a worryingly way.
"Yes, sure. By the way, you helping me with the Abomination project is still on the table, isn't it?" I inquire, hoping she doesn't back up.
"Yeah, of course"
"Cool, because I have packed everything we need just in case" I say giggling.
"We can do it later. But now I want to talk you about something" She's more serious than usual, and that scares me.
"Talk about what?" Am I afraid of the answer? Probably.
"About Mason. I don't like the way he mess up with you. And i'm sick of that. If he tries something funny tomorrow...I don't even know what I'll do, but nothing good"
"Ey, slow down there, flash, you don't have to worry more about him. I have decided that I'm not gonna tolerate his pranks, i don't know if call it bullying, anymore. And I'm even gonna play some prank on him. Sometime" I say trying to calm her down.

She blinks a couple times, like she couldn't belive what she just heard. "Don't get me wrong, I fully support you and I think it's a good plan, but...are you gonna be able to do all of that?" I react puffing, she thinks I'm not capable of it? I mean, I can get why she thinks that, but I thought she was gonna support me.

"No, Azura, don't puff at me, I support your plan. It's just it seems a little difficult and I know you are rather timid" She says jabbering.
"That's all you mean?" I lock my eyes in hers.

She nods effusively, and looks back at my eyes "that's all".
I smile at her answer, "thanks for supporting me, it means a lot".
"I'll always get your back bichito" She says looking down at her half eated food.

A silence falls between us, a nice silence. The one you feel confortable with, the one that embraces you and you feel safe.

The silence last until we finish the hot dogs. "Do you want some cake?" I ask her.
She has her mouth full of the last bite of her hot dog, so she just nods beaming.
I cut a slide for each and place them in our plates.
It's a simple cake, with cream. I don't like complex cakes or with too much flavors, and Win doesn't care, she likes every type of cake.

We finish and lay in our back, admiring the tree's branches and leafs.
"Hey, Win"
"My moms had told me that I'll have to go to the earth with my abu a couple days" I speak, looking at the top of the tree.
"Wait, what?" She turns and lays in her side, so that way she can see me, but I can't...no, I dare not look at her, at least not while I tell her this, I don't know if i'm gonna be able to bear with all the emotions I have when I think I have to go, and look at her eyes at the same time, with all the emotions she probably has, so I keep staring at the top of the tree.

"Are you going with your mothers, like in a holiday?" Winter asks curiously. She looks like if she has a whole bunch of questions.
"No, it would be just Luca and me" I explain.
"What? Why?" Winter is now disconcerted.
"They didn't tell us why, but the other day I heard my mama talking with my auntie about some problem she has with the president. And the key. So I'm afraid it has to do something with the portal, and I don't know, they problably send us to earth to keep us safe or who knows why" I say without pausing, letting all out.

Winter clears her throat. "And when are you leaving?"
"I don't know, yet, but when I do, I'll tell you" I sigh.
"But...how many days have you said you have to go?" 
"We don't know, moms say just a few days, but I don't have a good feeling about it..."
"Hey" Win says while moving her hand to reach my arm, "don't worry", she rubs my arm, "I'm sure everything will work out well in the end, and if not, I'll be there to support you, even if it has to be througth the scroll" 

She stops as she realizes something, "can you use the scroll in the human realm if the portal is closed?"
I nod, "yes, I can because I have magic. But as I don't have much magic, you know, it's probably that sometimes it'll work slower than it should or it won't work at all..."
She gets a bit closer and continues caressing my arm, "I'm sure it will work when necessary, don't worry, bichito" 
I get closer to her too, and we hug.

We stay like that until the sun sets and a little longer. I don't want to move, I don't want to go tomorrow to school, I don't want to go to the earth, I just want to lay down while everything bad happens without affecting me.

The Next Generation The Owl House Future AU story Discontinued Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz