Chapter One⚜️

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Present Day~

"Ms. Indigo, before you go could you take this into the back?"

I smile and nodded as I took the book and headed off into the back room behind the counter.

This was my newest life, I say that because I've lived so many. It didn't take long for the boys and I to realize we were immortal but the ones I've been with now for centuries, we thought once our powers dwindled, the immortality would go with it.

Sadly, it hasn't and although I get to live many lives, they mean nothing without my entire seven by my side...

I placed the book onto a shelf and glanced around the large closed off area. The room where we keep the most important books, the restricted section.

I decided after glancing at my watch to stroll through the aisles, smiling at all the history that is held within these books. My long life has probably witnessed more than half and after all that excitement, I've settled with being a librarian.

"Oh if you could see me now, Henry." I said to myself with a smile

"Such a lovely name~"

Gasp* I quickly turned behind me, "Who's there?" I questioned as I felt something flick my ponytail, "Who are you?"

"Can you...see me?~"

"I can't see you, but I can definitely hear you..."

"How strange... I've been tethered to this library for ions. I've yelled, howled, kicked... but I'm never heard."

"Are you a ghost?" I said softly with excitement, it had been generations since I'd seen or heard or even felt a ghost.

"That is the name of my being but my true name is Liam~"

"Well Liam... why are you tethered here? Do you need help to move on?" I wondered as I followed their ever-moving voice

"Mm... it is not I who feels I need help, but I feel that it is you who needs mine.~"

"Huh? What do you-"

"Ms. Indigo?"

I jumped and turned towards the now opened door.

"Ah... yes Ms. Ruby, how can I assist you?"

"Are-are you well? It sounded as though you were talking to yourself-"

"Talking-what? To myself? Oh no. Do you need something?" I smiled

"Your ride is here, he's waiting out back as usual."

I smiled brighter, "thank you. I'll clock out then."

She nodded and gave a shy smile before closing the door back.

I turned around and closed my eyes, attempting at sensing the ghost once more, but felt nothing all over again.

A small pout formed on my lips as I exited the room and gave it one last glance,

"Was I talking to myself?" I whispered before closing the door and making my way to the time clock.


"Took you forever," he said

"Shut up, Yoongi" I joked as he lightly gripped my hand, guiding us to his car.

"You know our days wouldn't be a cluster if you'd learn how to drive."

"And I would learn how to drive if cars had the same mechanics as horses." I pressed

"It's 202X Indi-"

"And I wish it wasn't." I said softly

Yoongi sadly smiled before pulling me close to him, "Come on my love, let's get you home." He smiled

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