"What the fuck........" he murmured in shock as the object they were advancing to was at-least the size of a suburb household. The soldiers who were escorting them could be seen aweing at the sight they were seeing.

Soon they arrived at the supposed distance they should be before closing in to investigate. The white trucks slide doors open revealing people in protective gearing. Safety goggles and face mask alongside a biohazard suit.

The soldiers protecting them were to be advise to not follow nor interfere with the scientists investigation. Though one of them was eager to asked one of the scientist.

"Uh excuse me?" A soldier walked up to a scientist who was preparing his biohazard suit. "Hmm?"

"May I ask but is that a black hole?" The soldier asked. The scientist noticed his rank as private so he was a young one.

"If it was, we would be dead by now" The scientist responded truthfully and expressionless. Which creeped out the private but he gave a nod of understanding and walked away. Just in time the science team was fully prepared for the journey they were about to go into. They considered it safe as they got out a rover to drive into the thing and see if It detected anything else harmful other then the radiation. Which it did not and prompted the scientist to give a sigh of relief.

"Alright science team. Let's go" the lead scientist named Jones then walks before the others do. Which the orders followed his lead.

When they were approaching the thing. One of the scientists detecting devices started beeping.the scientist got out the device and looked at it. "Seems like the Temperature is dropping every second we approach it. Thank god these biohazard suits negated that" the others sighed in relief as they thought it was something very dangerous.

Soon they neared the object and saw it up close.

"Wow....." Jones said with a wide open mouth expressing he is very shocked. He was a scientist and he has never seen any document nor past evidence for this thing. Though he was not alone as the others also had the same reaction as Jones.

They got out their devices and started getting samples and updating to the group if one property had changed.

An hour later

Just as the science team was packing up as they got all their samples, one of them reported something strange.

"Uhhhh...guys?" One of the scientist called out his colleagues which in turn they focused there gaze at him "What?" Jones asked his fellow scientist?. The scientist who called out everyone then showed 2 pictures.

Everyone was confused. Why was he showing 2 pictures of this unidentified object?

"What? It's just 2 pictures of this thing?" Jone annoyingly said as he wanted to get out of here as fast as he can.

But then he's mind came to realise. The recent picture which showed it was pictured just 10 minutes ago, was much larger then the other photo which was taken when they were up close the thing.

"Shit. Report this to the commander, we're getting out of here!" Jone alerted the team and they began running as this was really shocking news


Oval Office

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