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-Sherlocks' POV-

I sit there for a moment. Of course. How could I have been so slow? She already takes pills, drugs wise, so the permanent solution would be to take a lot of them all at once, overdose. Fear runs through my body. Its not because I'm scared of Y/n, of course not. I'm scared for her safe keeping.

"Y/n, you're going to hate me for this but I'm going to have to tell Mycroft."

"What?! Why! You said you aren't going to tell anyone!" she shouts at me across the room.

"Now Y/n listen, I know that this is going to be hard for you," I say as she stand up but I quickly stand up too, "but we just need to know that you're safe and being well looked after."

"So what, you're going to send me away? Put me in a place which is almost definitely going to make me a 100x worse? Great, amazing thinking Sherlock!" She starts racing to the bathroom but I quickly grab her wrist and drag her back.

"No, you are going to sit there whilst I call Mycroft. You think I want to send you away? Can you even begin to imagine what it's like to hear you're sibling day that they can't think of any way out apart from suicide? I'm worried for you and I'm just doing what's best for you."

"No, you just don't want to deal with me anymore but can YOU, Sherlock, imagine what's it's like to be in my head, all the time with no way out. You cant. Only I know what that's like and only I know that there is only one way out!"

I sit next to her and make sure she won't get up before  phoning Mycroft. The conversation's short before he says that he'll be here in less then 10 minutes. During that time Mrs. Hudson and John come in.

"Oh, hi Y/n," John says not expecting to see me and her sat extremely close on the sofa. She just glares at him and looks forward again.

"She's not feeling well John. Mycroft will be here any minute to take her to the hospital." 

"Oh, wow, I'm sorry Y/n. Would you like me to take a look and make sure that she needs to go to the hospital?"

"It's best not to argue with Mycroft, he's not in the best of moods."

"Fair enough."

"Are you alright dear? You're as pale as a ghost! You look terrified," Mrs Hudson says before coming closer, her motherly instincts kicking in.

"She has a fear of hospitals. I'm not sure why, everything will be perfectly fine," I lie to them. I made the mistake of telling John everything before and now I've learnt not to tell him again. It's not that he can't be trusted but right now I need to make sure Y/n is feeling as comfortable as she can be.

We hear the familiar steps of my brother before he walks in. He's trying to hide his worried expression but since he hasn't felt emotions this strong in a long time, he's very inexperienced. "Come on little sister, the cars waiting outside. Sherlock will come later with a bag with your things later."

"No," she says before looking up, she looks absolutely terrified. "Sherlock's coming with me."

"Sister dear, it would be easier if-"

"Mycroft!" I shout to him making Mrs. Hudson, John and Y/n jump. "If she needs me there, I'm coming with you."

He just sighs and says, "Fine, but only because this is a serious matter."

"Me and Mrs. Hudson will visit later. Give you time to uh, settle," John shifts about uncomfortably.

Me, Mycroft and Y/n walk down the stairs and sit in the car in total silence. It's not awkward for any of us but me and Mycroft can both sense that Y/n is getting very panicked very fast. Her leg starts to bounce and she wipes the sweat from her hands on her trousers. Her breathing becomes more rapid and she starts to shake a lot. A panic attack. I hold inter her hand and squeeze it. I pull her closer to me and lean her in closer to me so she can feel my breaths from my chest.

"Follow my breathing pattern, try and calm down a bit. You're doing so well," I look over to Mycroft and he just looks down at her and looks back to me worryingly. "That's it, keep breathing in sync with me." Her breathing goes back to normal but she's still shaking a lot. I keep her pulled up to me until we arrive, at the hospital.

Y/n Holmes // Sherlocks SisterWhere stories live. Discover now