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- Y/N -
It's been a couple of hours since i heard Sherlock leaving, i'm guessing with a friend because i heard them talking on my way up the stairs. i stare blankly at the walls, decorated in a dull purple wallpaper, i love it; its quite spacious seeing that i'm the only person living here. it's the same as sherlocks only mine isn't cramped with stuff scattered about, yet.

My mind wonders off until my phone starts to ring. My dad. I wonder for a few seconds whether I should pick up until realising that they'd probably just phone sherlock anyway and get him to talk to me, which i really can't deal with right now.

"Y/N, are you there?"
oh god here we go.
"Yeah dad."
"Ah good, couldn't really tell. Anyway, your mother wanted me to ring about college," great ,"We changed the emergency contact to Sherlocks number and address so it'll be easier to manage everything."
You've got to be fucking joking. I'm still not going to college, i don't have the energy to sit around with people far below my expectations.
"Okay dad."
"Are you okay? you're voice sounds a little shaky and you're nose sounds a bit muffled, you got a cold?"
"Yeah, its quite bad actually so i might go and rest up a bit."
"Okay Y/N, make sure to stay warm and get some sleep. Bye"
I hang up without replying. I should probably feel bad for hanging up without even exchanging a goodbye but i don't. I'm still trying to figure out how i'm going to deal with this college shit.
I could just stay home, what's sherlock going to do, drag me there? I'm probably just going to lay down, i'll unpack my things later but there's one thing i need to get out.

I'm laying on the sofa, head spinning, vision foggy when there's a knock at the door. Shit. "One second!"
I quickly put on a hoodie and hide everything i need to and stumble to the door.
"Hello Y/N."
"Hi sherlock"
"Haven't spoken in a while, just checking you're moving in okay."
I can't focus on him at all, there's too much going on. I can hear my heart beat, feel my blood flowing through my body, the lights are too bright.
"Y/N?" sherlock asks, staring directly at me.
"Are you going to let me in? you've been staring for quite a while."
"Uh, nows not a good time I was just unpa-"
"Good i can help you", he says pushing past me, "what needs to go where".
"you don't have to", i'm trying to get him out as soon as possible.
"no, i insist"
"okay. um, you could unpack the kitchen stuff if you want."
"great, i'll get started on that"
I point at the box he needs to take and go to sit down on the sofa. I really need to hide these in the fireplace or somewhere safe before he sees. I take the needles and go towards the fireplace. i turn around to see him going through the box and quickly hide them underneath some freshly put logs.
"Ah yes, Mrs Hudson put them there ready for you when you came. She's the woman who was at the door and also our land lady."
"Uh, great. tell her i say thanks".

I look towards sherlock and see he's on his phone.
"I see that i'm now you're emergency contact for college. A level art? you must show me some time, from what i remember you were very good."
Is he fucking looking at my records? great.
"you're attendance is... low, we might want to get that sorted."
"yeah probably."
"great so i'll get you a cab for 9am tomorrow ready for you."
"what?" please tell me he's not serious.
"to go to college? anyway, i must be off, plenty to research. i'll see you later Y/N." with that he closes the door and makes his way down the stairs. Well, he's not very good at unpacking.

this can't be happening. this might not seem like the end of the world, but it is. I hate school, last time i was there i told a teacher to fuck off because they kept looking at me, there is something seriously wrong with me jesus christ.
i go back to unpacking, dreading tomorrow.

Y/n Holmes // Sherlocks SisterWhere stories live. Discover now