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-Y/N's POV-

As I walk up the driveway of her massive house, I can't help but feel some kind of sentiment whilst being here. Maybe it's some of the childhood memories I made here with her. We used to be so close, now she didn't even remember me until today. Well, can't sit and think about the past.
I walk through the front door to see hell. Sweaty drunk teenagers grinding on each other whilst some really shit music blasts through the speakers, people making out everywhere, empty cans and bottles scattered across the floor, popular people staring as I walk in. There's only one reason I'm here and I know exactly where the people I'm looking for are going to be. I make my way past people to get to the kitchen. I see one of the only people I know and one of the only people I'm close with, Razz. He's my supplier. He looks up at me and greets me with a warm smile and is definitely high, good.

"Heyy, Y/N! I haven't seen you in ages. How's it going?" He shouts over the loud music.

"Pretty shit, my brother found all my drugs and binned them though. So, that's why I'm here."

"Well, look no further. You know this works. Puff and pass, no babysittin'."

"Of course I know Razz," I say taking the joint from his hand. "You know Sage hates people like us right?"

"Well, she can't hate us too much when she's one of us herself. Yes, little miss perfect, isn't constantly high or drunk like we are but she does have shit of her own going on."

"Oh, so all of the shit she said to me in college was a lie? That druggies are stupid and all that."

"Incredibly fake."

"I have £80 here. I stole it from my brother when he wasn't looking. Do you have anything on you I could buy?"

"Uhhh yeah I've got a couple of joints and like 2 pills if you want em'?"

"Yeah that's chill, just anything really," I say as he passes me the stuff and I give him the money.

"Come on, let me introduce you to Harry. He's got some powder and is way to high to say no to us havin' some."

He guides me through people and upstairs to a bathroom.

"Harry!" He says whilst going up to him and giving him one of those weird hugs that boys seem to do.

"Razz! I didn't see you come in."

"Yeah yeah we're here. This is Y/N."

I just give Harry a small smile and he returns it. He's cute, actually no, he's hot, despite his eyes being bloodshot.

"You got any powder? I'll give you some back don't worry me and Y/N just want some."

"Yeah, I'll pay you back too don't worry," I say whilst looking up at him.

"Nah nah, no need to worry about that! Any friend of Razz is a friend of mine. Anyway, you're pretty so I'll allow it."

I flush red and look down.

"Oooooh, someone likes Harry!" Razz coos in my ear and I just shoot him a glare.

"Hey hey, it's a joke man. Anyway, we gotta get this stuff up before anyone comes in here askin' for some."

We both do 4 lines each, and fuck did it feel great. This Harry kid must be rich because he had even more in his pocket. Razz goes to get us some drinks, stumbling his way down the stairs. This left me and Harry, on our own. I'm a bathroom. I just look at myself in the mirror and spray some random perfume I found in the bathroom.

"That's not yours," Harry says whilst watching me apply it all over.

"No shit Sherlock."

"Hey, watch your tone," he says in a serious way. I don't know what just happened but when I tell you that him speaking to me that way makes me feel, something. I'm not sure what though. I think it just kind of turns me on.

Y/n Holmes // Sherlocks SisterWhere stories live. Discover now