An Asgardian Dramedy

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One of those consequences can today be found hanging out with the king, reading in the library, or doing other repetitive activities under the eyes of Asgard. She is one of the few consequences that can be named - in fact, her name is known by everyone in the kingdom; but unlike her Creator's name, she is not feared by the ones who know her.

The name's Star. I am the physical proof of the deal previously mentioned, in case you did not notice after that dramatic introduction.

Growing up as just an heir for Sabrina had its highs and lows - ever since I was a child (or what you would call one) I learned everything I know about witchcraft and the Hell that I would once rule. Of course, I was mostly treated like a tool; so, when the war happened and Asgard took me in like a "hostage" to enrage Her, I did not mind staying here.

Loki - or Father, as I call him - immediately noticed me and took me under his wing. He helped to create me, after all.

Now that Father took over Asgard by exiling Odin and taking his identity, being the kingdom's princess is my full time hobby.

Walking along the castle's hallways is one of my favourite things of this life; the sun is always shining, its gleam making the golden walls shine for most of the day. Birds fly around, softly landing on the flowery plants that give the gardens their strong scent. The obnoxious sounds made by my armour may ruin the atmosphere for some people, but they just remind me of the training I am going through to fully become the princess I am meant to be.

What a lovely time to be asgardian.

Turning around the corner, I find Father making his way to me in his Odin clothing. He looks silly, and I have told him before, but he still believes he needs to keep up a facade for the people - even though every single asgardian definitely knows it's him.

—There you are! —he grabs my arm, starting to lead me outside, —The play is about to start and there is a crowd already. Change that armour of yours. —

With the magic he taught me I turn my armour into a comfortable dress and make my hair look nicer. I see he shapeshifts into Odin and chuckle, still not getting used to seeing him like that. —Looking dashing, old man. —

Father rolls his single eye. —He looked uglier than this. I am an upgrade. —he looks at me for a moment, —That's a nice colour on you. —

—Thank you. —

We get to the community theatre, being received with bows from the guards and peasants, the soft hum of the minds of them all being ignorable, but present. There is a fancy couch waiting for us and servants holding any snack or drink we could desire. After some overly dramatic words from Father, we sit down, and the self-absorbed play begins.

Most peasants accept the fake Odin as their king with pleasure. Before Father took over, Asgard was a kingdom based on wars, violence, and control. If there was drama within the royal family, it was everyone else's problem. Now, Father's way of taking the throne was not exactly... Legal, some may say. Nonetheless, it has been the best years for Asgard. It is a time for the kingdom to thrive in arts, science, and knowledge.

Very frequently, Father writes plays that are publicly presented (most of them being love letters to himself). Once, he even wrote one specifically for me to play the lead. Thanks to it, everyone found out about "Odin"'s new daughter.

What do asgardians think of me? That is a question I don't quite have an answer for.

I will admit, I kind of showed up out of nowhere as part of the royal family. Father never stops spoiling me, and I do not interact with people a lot - I don't need to, for I have enough with my father. Even though I try being as nice as possible the few times I talk with others, there is a chance they see me as weird, or an outcast - maybe mean sometimes. Hopefully, this will all change the day I become their queen.

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