Political Asylum

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Many lights and colours surround me as I fall but float at the same time. I try touching the energy of the portal, but it just goes around my hand, freezing to the touch.

I land on my feet, on a bright grass that looks just like Asgard's - though it has a big burn mark, with the rune of the Bifrost. There are small animals around, similar to the drawings in the books, although a little weirder.

It looks... Pretty.

I can easily feel Father's presence on this planet, thanks to our magical connection, but I will join them later. Walking, I immediately notice Midgard is way bigger than Asgard - no matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to find the end of the horizon.

It had been years since I got to see just a bit of Midgard, while staying in the coven. Just enough to forget most of it. But the air smells different here, in a good way. The sky is bluer, and even though you can't see as many astral objects compared to Asgard's skyline, the cloudy view is not far from being beautiful. I could ask Father to let me stay here for some time; to get familiar with the interesting scenery I never got to see and maybe learn more about the culture here.

Standing still and looking around, a weird noise interrupts the moment. I cannot recognise it, nor where it is coming from. A light under my feet catches my attention and soon I notice a portal (that does not look like any magic I know) is opening beneath me.

Before I avoid it, I fall, landing on some soft cushions.

—How did you get access to Earth? —

A man is sitting in front of me. His beard and grey hairs might be his most recognizable trait; however, he is wearing some robes that do not look midgardian at all. Maybe a magician?

I fix my position on the seat, —Who are you? —

—Doctor Strange. How did a demon like you enter Earth, and why? —

—I am not a demon, —he raises an eyebrow. I sigh, —Not that kind of demon. I came just to look around, why do you care? —

His hands fold on his lap. —My job is to keep an eye on any beings that might pose a threat to this world. You're one of them; your kind is not supposed to leave Hell. —

That is true. Most demons are not allowed to breach the barrier between Hell and other worlds, but you might have guessed that my kind is somewhat of an exception. And, to be real, a lot of demons sneak out of Hell without any repercussions.

—I did not come from Hell. —

He examines me for too many seconds, and his eyes stop on my clothing. —Is your armour asgardian? —

I slightly smile. He knows my people. —So am I. —

He narrows his eyes at me. For a man who talks like he knows everything, he doesn't seem to know who I am. I do not need to take a peek into his mind; it is obvious there are many things he needs to learn.

—Who are you? —

—Star Lokidottir, Princess of Asgard. —

His fingers snap, —Lokidottir, of course. —

Suddenly, we get teleported somewhere else. Standing in an old library, which smells similar to the castle's one, he starts looking around for a book.

—Your father... —he mutters, —I had this same talk with him an hour ago. Neither of you should be here. But, —he takes a black book, and starts passing the pages without looking at me. —How is he your father? —

Many books here look interesting, and since he is not paying attention to me, I find myself wandering off closely. —It is not important. —

He hums. —Not important, but very weird. —

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