Interlude 10

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I do miss the stars in Asgard's sky. And the planets you can see and the occasional ships passing by. Watching them all while getting prepared for parties celebrating the first moon of the month was something I was always waiting for. Father's fingers brushing my hair, braiding it into a traditional royal hairstyle, while fireworks already lit up the sky.

A strand of my hair was pulled harshly. —Ouch-! —

—Sorry. —Father muttered from behind me, —Your hair knots too easily. You should brush it more frequently. —

Careful not to damage his work, I caressed the root of the strand. —I could just braid it with magic, it would be less painful. —

—But also less fun. —

I could tell he considered those moments bonding. Especially after bad weeks, in which he was too busy to take a break and rest a bit, too worried about any political dilemma he was going through.

Unprompted, he asked, —What do you want to do with your life? —

—Why the question? —I frowned.

He shrugged. —It just came to my mind. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be king. Now I am. It's stressful, sure, but if I didn't like it I would have been dead by now. —he pinned something to my hair, —Do you really want to be queen? —

—Yes. I mean, it sounds nice. —

—But do you want to do anything else? —he asked again,

I definitely did. I still do, in fact. I nodded. —I guess I want to go on weird adventures, and learn a lot. You know, about magic, societies, people, everything. —

—Sounds good. —I could hear his smile, —We're very similar in that. —there was another pull on my hair, making me complain again, to which he simply laughed. —Sorry! —

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