Happy Lughnasadh!

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Lughnasadh - difficult name to spell. Loo-nah-sah - terrible to pronounce. It marks the beginning of the harvest season and, even though it falls on August first, many covens like to celebrate it for a whole week, finishing with a big ritual by the seventh.

Today is August seventh and Sabrina's coven is celebrating the last day of their festival.

—It's like Lammas, isn't it? —Strange asks, adjusting his white button up shirt. Along with the white pants, it looks very weird on him. —It's a christian tradition. We used to take a loaf of bread to church every August first. —

—Yes, I suppose it's similar. —

It's a special, holy occasion, so we must wear white. A simple dress or shirt and pants combination will do.

—How do you know she'll be there? —

I shrug. —The coven celebrates each year and their High Priestess is supposed to be there for the ritual. I attended it a few times as a child, you're lucky I even remember the location. Also, She told me I could find Her today if anything happened. —it's like She knew we would find out this soon. —Maybe She had Her own suspicions. —

Wong walks down the stairs, wearing his own shirt and pants. If Strange looked weird, Wong looks like a completely different person.

He adjusts the sling ring on his finger. —Are you sure our magic will not be a problem? You mentioned before they can detect it. —

Lughnasadh is one of those special celebrations which anyone can join, no matter their experience on Wicca or lack thereof. I have seen many humans there, along with powerful beings, and novices in magick. Two wizards, a human, and a half demon will not be a problem.

—You will be fine, just don't act suspicious. —with magic, I put on a white dress, as we should be leaving soon. —Anyway, why aren't the siblings here? —

Weighted senses can be a nightmare in some situations, but in others it's the best thing you can have. Just perking my ears and concentrating on the noise inside the Sanctum - which isn't a lot, fortunately, thanks to the magical walls - is enough to hear the Bartons' voices coming from one of their rooms.

"...you just need to breathe, Vic, we got everything under control-"

"No we don't, Barney. Mom slept with a demon and now I'm a fucking queen and a woman wants to kill me. The woman we're gonna meet soon. She's gonna kill me."

"Maybe you'll talk and she'll understand. Her brother gave up the throne, didn't he? Star said so. You can do the same."

"She wants revenge. I fucked up her plans and she wants revenge."

Now in front of the door, I knock, waiting for an invitation. Barney opens it and steps to the side, letting me in. They are both wearing their white clothing. Victoire keeps staring at the sword leaning on one of the walls.

—Is she gonna use that sword to kill me? —

Carefully, I grab it. —She will definitely try to. —Lucifer's blood didn't stick to the blade at all, so it still looks like a new sword, even though it's been laying around in Hell for millennia now. I can see my reflection on the silver blade. My real reflection. —But I think I can convince Her it's useless. Killing a human who's barely a demon just because she stalled your plan for one day? Seems like a waste of time. —

She still tries to stay positive. —Ouch. —

—Nothing personal. —

Victoire points at the sword, —I don't want that sword anywhere near me. —

StarchildNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ