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Scrambled eggs and toasted bread are a great combination, and they would be even better, if I knew what is going to happen at the library and I was not this terrified.

Strange is not coming for breakfast, so it's just Wong and I sitting alone at the table. You do not need enhanced hearing to notice my heart pounding. Why am I nervous? It's just Strange. If he were to send me back to Asgard he would have done it already. And it cannot be a scolding, for we already went through that yesterday. Why would he give me chocolate if it was something bad? It does not make sense - unless he wants to feel better about whatever he is going to do. Or about something he did. What did he do?

—Come on, —Wong stands up, snapping me back to reality. We both finished our meals. —He's waiting in the library. —

Ah, Hell. We leave the plates next to the sink and start making our way to it. Wong is going to be there with us. It cannot be bad, then. Right? Wong is more calm, and, yes, Wong might also be more strict than Strange but at least I know he would be direct. Or maybe it's a reunion - maybe they will be both there to say goodbye and send me back to Asgard, or worse, Hell.

We arrive at the library.

Strange is giving us his back, looking at some books. —Do you know what the Mirror Dimension is? —I shake my head, and he somehow sees that, —It's a parallel dimension which sorcerers can manipulate without it affecting the real world. We use it to train, mostly. —

He turns to us. I sigh, —So we are not here for something bad? —

—No. —he frowns. —I already told you what I needed to tell you. —

—I saw you were being kind of dramatic and thought "oh, I'm dead", you know? —

He looks at Wong. —Was I really being dramatic? —Wong nods. He shakes his head, —No, you're not in trouble. We're just here to work together. —

I frown. —On what? —

He smiles. With a hand movement, he makes a spell, and throws it at me - it looks like a fragmented crystal as it moves in my direction. It does not hit me; it crosses through me, and ends up engulfing the entire building.

Everything is flipped now, like a mirror. Strange speaks as Wong makes his way to him, —I finished reading the book. According to it, most demonic magick can only be used by demons themselves. But there's some spells anyone can do, correct? —I nod. —Teach us something. —

—Uh, well... —I look around. Some corners of the room are getting distorted. —You can't tell me to just do something. You have to be more specific. —

—Object creation, then. —

I nod again and walk over to them. I put a hand out. —I'm not good at explaining, but just... Put a hand out and think of an object you have interacted with and-—

Strange puts a hand up, stopping me, —No, not conjuration. I mean creation creation. —

Ah, type two. —You might want to sit down for that one. It's more complex. —

All three of us sit down in the middle of the mirrored library. It's like a triangle, or a terrible circle. They sit with their backs straight, waiting for me to guide them. —So, remember any object you have seen. The more detailed the better. And then, like, keep it in mind. Again, put your hand out, close your eyes, and picture the object there. —

They do as I said, and after a second, Wong sighs. —It's not working, Star. —

I shrug, —My explanation might have been too bad. It's hard to explain something that is natural for me, you know. —

—Natural? —Strange mutters,

—Sometimes even subconscious. —

It's great when that happens, honestly. My brain knows what I want and what I need and, if it's feeling generous, it will give it to me without thinking about it. One of my favourite daggers was created like that. It materialized into existence out of my needs.

—You should start with small things. And think of it as conjuration even though the objects don't actually exist. —

They spend a few minutes like that. The concentration on their faces is quite funny. Finally, in Wong's hands, some shining indicates the appearance of a creation. He notices it, and moves his hands to show a copy of his sling ring. It is not the best copy, though, and you can tell by how translucid it is. But it's a decent start.

Strange opens his eyes and looks at it. —Your sling ring? —Wong shows his real ring on his left hand. —A copy of your sling ring. —

—Interesting, —I bite my cheek, and mutter, —I didn't know magical objects could be copied. —

He narrows his eyes at me. —Huh. —

Wong easily vanishes the copy away and looks at Strange, who again, tries for some time, but then gives up with a sigh. —You know what? That's getting boring. I'll try it later, alone. Now, —he stands up and starts leaving the library. Wong and I are quick to follow him. —I suppose you want to see the Mirror Dimension at its greatest splendour, Star. Simple spell learning won't give you that. My bad. —

—It's okay. —we reach the Sanctum's door, and opening it, the world looks different. The horizon's ends fold until they meet each other, making it look like we are inside of a ball made of Earth. People are still walking on the walls and ceiling. It must be an optical illusion. —Can you control this? —

From behind me, I can hear Strange's smirk. —Yes. It's great when it comes to fighting. —

A sharp noise and a soft tingle down my neck make me turn around just in time to catch the blade of a sword made of orange energy. Strange is holding it, grinning, as Wong summons his own weapon behind him.

—Show us what you can do. —

I smile. A true warrior has a special sense of reaction that lets them take quick and logical decisions, no matter the nature of a situation. Even if we are in a parallel dimension in which the laws of physics seem a bit funny, about to fight just for fun and curiosity, I must do my best and, possibly, win the fight. This, of course, can only be done using the best physical and psychological tactics that I have been taught.

I run away.

Behind me, Wong follows. Strange flies the other way to somehow corner me thanks to the warping of space. The illusions under my feet keep moving until suddenly the street becomes a complete cliff. In front of it the street continues again, though, so with magic I create perfect platforms to avoid the bottomless fall.

Strange falls on his feet right in front of me and summons his sword again. I conjure mine, and we start sparring with help of our other powers. We both create shields when we need them, and Cloak keeps trying to help him, but he also creates some kind of magical lazo with which he holds my arm,

—Hey, —I look around, —Can I also play with the world? —

There is a vehicle close to us, and using telekinesis, I raise it. It works. I can manipulate things here. I slam it into Strange. He will be fine.

Wong comes next but instead of sword fighting like Strange, he tries to get me with portals. He uses them in his favour both as a way of moving and as a way of confusing me and keeping me distanced from him. I decide to confuse him back; right when he makes me fall on the ground, I cast an illusion of myself, which continues to attack him. While he is busy, I bring out one of my spell books and look for a trapping spell. It's quite simple, yes, but it doesn't feel the same without the book on hand.

With a muttered word, an air drawing, and a touch on his shoulder, chains go up his legs, keeping him in place as the illusion vanishes.

Smooth! I giggle. —I win-! —

Cloak tackles me to the side, holds me by the foot, and flies with me dangling under it. I did not win.

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