"No" Thor sighs, "Loki." Thor is released from his binds. He crawls over to Loki's body, which has not returned to it's Jotun form, and lays his head down on Loki's chest, shedding tears for all that he has lost. The ship explodes. The Bifrost sends Hulk across space to Earth.

"Seriously?" Doctor strange sighs, "You don't have any money?"

"Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual" Wong says.

"I'll tell the guys at the deli" Strange scoffs, "Maybe they'll make you a metaphysical Ham on Rye."

"Oh, wait, wait, wait, I think I have 200" Wong states.

"Dollars?" Strange questions.

"Rupees" Wong corrects.

"Which is?" Strange asks.

"Buck and a half" Wong answers.

"What do you want?" Strange sighs.

"I wouldn't say no to a Tuna Melt" Wong shrugs.

Bruce crash-lands on the Sanctum stairs, "Thanos is coming. He's coming."

Strange shares a look with Wong, "Who?"

"Slow down, slow down" Tony says, "I'm totally not kidding."

"You're totally rambling" Pepper smiles.

"No, I'm not" Tony denies.

"Lost me" Pepper shrugs.

"Look, you know how you're having a dream, and in the dream you gotta pee?" Tony asks.

"Yeah" Pepper sighs.

"Okay, and then you're like, Oh my god, there's no bathroom, what am I gonna do?" Tony continues, "Oh! Someone's watching. I'm gonna go in my pants."

"Right. And then you wake up, and in real life you actually have to pee" Pepper states.

"Yes" Tony smiles.

"Yeah. Everybody has that" Pepper tells him.

"Right! That's the point I'm trying to make" Tony says, "Apropos of that, last night, I dreamt, we had a kid together. So real. We named him after your eccentric uncle. Uh, what was his name?"

Pepper nods in understanding, "Right."

"Morgan!" Tony remembers, "Morgan."

"So you woke up, and thought that we were-" Pepper says.

"Expecting" Tony interrupts.

"Yeah" Pepper sighs.

Tony becomes excited, "Yes?"

Pepper shakes her head, "No."

"I had a dream about it" Tony reminds her, "It was so real. And Olivia is never around anymore so we need another kid."

"If you wanted to have another kid, you wouldn't have done that" Pepper points to Tony's chest attachment.

"I'm glad you brought this up, cause it's nothing" Tony states, "It's just a housing unit for nano particles."

"It's not helping your case" Pepper tells him.

"No, no, it's an attachment" Tony says, "it's not a-"

"You don't need that" Pepper states.

"I know" Tony sighs, "I had the surgery. I'm just trying to protect us. The future, us, and that's it. Just in case there's a monster in the closet, instead of, you know."

Falling, Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now