Binding Lights

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It was dark.

There was no sound.

Only silence.

It was cold. Freezing.

There was pain.

It hurt.

It hurt so much.

Like how a worm gets split in half but still manages to live without its important partner.

Red smoke began to flow upwards.

where was it coming from?


A bright light flashed in Alberto's eyes. He was just now waking up. His eyes focused on the light as other vibrant colors began to form and sharpen. Alberto looked up across in front of him and saw Maria. "Maria?" He said faintly and tried to swim towards her, but hit something blocking his path. He placed his hands on it and felt around it. Glass. He was in a glass tank with ocean water separated from Maria's tank. He also appeared to be shirtless with bruises all over his body from when he got beaten. He looked around and saw they were in some sort of office. On his right was a large, wooden desk and black wheelchair with a giant window behind that lead to the outside world. It was storming outside. Rain falling down fast and hard like hale. The winds were howling so loud like a pack of wolves were calling, and it blew so hard it could sweep you off your feet. The ground was red, like a red carpet rolled out for celebrities. there were stairs that lead to a large, smooth, brown door. There was gold alloy covering it's edges and two giant gold statues of humans carrying spears and wearing uniforms with capes and pirate hats. Alberto looked around to see if there was any sort of exit out the tank. He swam upwards to see if he could perhaps lift open the hatch. But there was none. There wasn't any sort of door or exit. He swam down and tried to lift the glass off the stand he was on. Not much luck there either. He sighed and looked over at Maria who was still unconscious. "Maria? Maria, can you hear me?" He yelled as he banged on the glass. She didn't respond. Alberto backed up from the glass and swam into it to try and break it. First attempt failed. He tried again and swam faster and harder into the glass, but instead of breaking the glass he broke his shoulder. Alberto hissed from the pain and backed away from the glass. He continued to look around to find some sort of way out. "Alberto?" Maria said faintly as she started waking up, "Maria! Are you okay?" Alberto asked worriedly, "I... I think so..." She said as she looked down at her body. She was completely nude and her 'tail' was no longer a tail. She had legs, and her tail was coming out from behind her. "A-Alberto? What's going on? Where are we?" She asked confused and scared, mostly confused and scared that she's no longer a Siren and can't remember what happened to her. "I-I think we're on sort of ship." Alberto said looking around the room they were in. "Where's your human friends? And your Sea Monster friend?" Maria asked looking around and placing her hands on the glass, "Not sure. But I bet that they're in better conditions than we are." Said Alberto, "Alberto! Your shoulder..." Maria said seeing him hold his broken shoulder "Your still hurt." She said seeing that Alberto was still bleeding from his mouth and still had a black eye. "I'm okay. I'm just happy your alright." Said Alberto as he placed his hand on the glass. Maria gasped and backed up from the glass, "What's wrong?" Alberto asked, "I..." Maria stuttered as she placed her hand back on the glass "I can feel your hand." She said. Alberto looked at his right hand and moved it just an inch. Surprisingly, he could feel Maria's hand too. Though they were separated across the room, they could still feel each other. Maria started tearing up, "Maria, please don't cry. It'll be okay, I promise." Said Alberto as he kissed the glass and Maria kissed back feeling each others lips against each other like there wasn't anything blocking or keeping them apart. Like they were still there next to each other. Close.

Leaking Skies - Book OneМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя