Wave Of Emotions

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There was a heartbeat in the darkness. Beating repeatedly. It was weird, it didn't feel like his. But who's? Alberto wasn't floating anymore either, he was just standing there in the darkness.

"Hello?" He called out, and a female's voice responded,

"Hello?" It said,

"Who are you?" Alberto asked walking towards the voice's direction,

"Who are you?" The female replied.

Alberto stopped, was she mocking him? He continued to walk closer to the voice's location. For a moment, nothing.

Then, the soft, male voice returned, "A Storm Is Coming." It said,

"Who are you?" Alberto asked.

For a moment, nothing. Until water droplets started falling from above him, the sky was leaking again. Then more droplets fell. Then some more. And more. The water starting filling up to his legs. Then to his chest. Then to his face. Until it has completely covered him head to toe.

He looked around to see if he could spot anything. Once again, nothing. He heard the wind howl like a wolf calling to its pack as the motion in the water violently pushed Alberto back, so far back it was like he was in a waterfall getting ready to go over a cliff. He tried swimming back, but the waves were too strong for him.

The voice repeated, "A Storm Is Coming." And, what felt like a bunch of daggers, started shooting past Alberto trying to hit him.

"What do you mean? What are you trying to tell me!?" Alberto shouted, the daggers then shot through Alberto piercing him from the inside out. He tried to scream, but was running out of air, running out of breath.

He once again tried to swim forward, but the waves continued to push him back.

And soon,

he fell over the cliff.

He tried to scream...

But there was no air.

His last breath.


Alberto jolted awake heavily breathing and sweating a puddle. He looked around at the little light around the bed curtains and remembered where he was. He sighed in relief and looked to his left to see that Maria was gone. He must've slept in again. He rubbed his eyes and got out of bed and went downstairs. Nobody was there either. They must be outside with the villagers. Alberto walked out the door and started walking around the neighborhood. It was beautiful. The homes, nature, the waterfall. He heard noises coming from the beach and went to check it out. Alberto peered out of the bushes and saw Maria helping the townspeople catch fish. She was halfway in her Siren form, her arms and face. Strangely, the people didn't seem to mind it. Alberto walked over to Maria as she swung round and carried the load of fish with one arm. "Oh hey, your awake." She said walking past him, "Uhh, yeah. How long was I asleep?" Alberto asked following behind her back to the town, "Almost the entire afternoon." Maria said crossing a bridge to where they prep the fish, "Oh... So, is there a reason why these people aren't freaking out about you showing your Siren form?" Alberto asked, Maria dropped the load of fish, "They already knew we weren't human because of the way we dressed. And because they think that merpeople are gods of the sea, so they worship us." Maria said filling a cart with the fish she caught, "Wow, really?" Alberto asked surprised, "Yep, that's why they wear those colored robes." Maria said walking away "The others went back to the hospital to check Giulia's arm." "Oh. And where are you going?" Alberto asked, "To the waterfall to bathe." She said and walked over to the waterfall. Alberto sighed and went to the hospital where Luca and the others were. He walked in and looked around for his friends until he spotted them in the same room they were last time. "Alright, Ms. Giulia. Your arm has perfectly healed!" Said the nurse. Giulia stood up off her seat and stretched her arm, "Feels good as new!" She said. They started to leave when they saw Alberto standing in the doorway, "Look who's finally awake!" Giulia said hugging her big brother, "Heh, probably from the pesto last night. You put sleeping powder in mine didn't you?" Alberto said head locking Giulia and rubbing her head. "Hah! I wish." Giulia said laughing as she pushed Alberto off her, "Maria said she was gonna be at the waterfall taking a bath if you want to join her." Alberto said, "Okay!" Giulia said and in a dash she was out of sight. "Alberto, the people here are preparing a celebration for us!" Luca said, "Why?" Alberto asked, "Apparently they worship you merfolk." Simon said as they walked out the hospital. "Oh, yeah. Maria told me about that." Alberto said, "So... What do you guys wanna do?" Alberto asked, "I'm gonna go back inside and help the patients, you two have fun!" Said Simon as he went back inside the hospital. Alberto and Luca looked at each other confused on what to do for a moment.

Leaking Skies - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now