The Storm In The Sea

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The next morning was a bright, cloudy sky with little, white dots falling from the sky onto the ground piling up like hay. Snowfall in New York City, children outside playing with the snow, throwing snowballs, making snowmen and having tons of fun. "Alberto, wake up! Its time for breakfast." Said Giulia as she opens the door and leaves. Alberto woke up with Maria snuggling in his arms. She was still asleep. Alberto got up out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen where everyone was eating their breakfast. "Where's Maria?" Simon asked, "She's still sleeping." Said Alberto, "Here, you can leave her breakfast on the drawer next to her bed." Jason said handing Alberto a plate of sausages, scrambled eggs and bacon with some pancakes and syrup. "Wow, I never anything like this before." Alberto said surprised of the food artwork, "It's my pleasure!" Said Jason. Alberto went back upstairs to their room with two plates of their food. As he entered the room, Maria was awake and sitting up on the side of the bed looking out the window to the snowy, cloudy sky. "Hey, Good Morning!" Alberto said walking towards her and giving her one of the plates of food. "What happened to the color?" Maria asked not taking her eyes off the white sky, "What do you mean?" Alberto asked, "The sky, the ground. There's white stuff falling making the colors disappear." Maria said worriedly, Alberto couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?" Maria asked, "Maria, it's called 'snow,' it's not removing the colors, just covering them." Said Alberto, "Why's it doing that?" Maria asked, "It's like the rain. Just... solid and cold. Like how the leaking water from the sky makes everything wet, this frozen water makes everything cold and freezes them." Explained Alberto, "Is that bad?" Maria asked, "Only if you don't wear anything warm. Otherwise, you'll freeze to death." Said Alberto "Speaking of freezing, best if you eat your food before it gets cold." Alberto said as he takes a few bites out of his breakfast. Maria stared at her food for a moment, she's never had anything like this to eat besides fish and oysters. She grabbed the fork and stabbed through the sausages as it gets attached to the fork. Raw meat, but cooked. She's never had cooked meat before either. She opened her mouth and took a bite out of the sausage and was instantly overflowed with sweet and sour flavors. Her eyes lit up with amazement and excitement, this food was truly divine! She dropped the fork and started eating with her bare hands shoving handfuls into her mouth. "Oh right, the 'normal' way to eat! I totally forgot about that!" Alberto said and dropped his fork and also started eating with his hands.

"Hey, Giulia! It's snowing outside!" Said Luca, "Oh, your right!" Said Giulia as she stands next to Luca in the window. "It's caused by the sun moving away from the planet, right?" Asked Luca, "That's right!" Giulia giggled, "You two really are two peas in a pod." Said Simon, "Well, we did go to school together!" Said Giulia, "You? A Sea Monster at school learning the ways of humans? Interesting! Tell me, what of our knowledge have you learned?" Jason asked bending down to Luca's eye level and placing a finger underneath his chin. "Uhh, well, a lot of things really. We were able to see the stars and space using the giant telescope at her school! It can see REALLY far!" Luca said excitedly, "Amazing, what stars or constellations have you seen out there?" Jason asked, "Uhh, I remember seeing the scorpion and the lion one." Said Luca "Ah yes, the zodiac signs. I almost forgot that they're all almost in the stars." Said Jason, "Oh yeah! We learned about those too! They're like what year your born!" Luca said, "Yes indeed, my acquainted friend!" Said Jason, he really was intrigued with a Sea Monster able to learn from humans their nature and history.

After asking Luca and Giulia a zillion questions and being overjoyed by what Luca had learned, Simon called him into one of the rooms to talk for a moment. "What is it, Simon?" he asked, "We have to get to Canada, do you have a map of the country so we could see which direction we'll need to go?" Asked Simon, "Yes I do! But, you might have to dig through some stuff in the attic to find it. It has been a while since we traveled the world old friend." Jason said, "Yeah... I know. I really do wish there was a way to turn back time to the good old days before all of this hell broke loose." Said Simon, "Agreed... But, life goes on, I suppose." Said Jason. They both left the room and saw the others were in their coats as if they were about to leave. "Where are you four going?" Simon asked, "Just down to Central Park! I want to check out the place!" Said Giulia, "I think it's best if we go with you then. We wouldn't want your friends getting caught by the guards down there." Said Jason, "There's guards!?" Panicked Luca, "Yep, but don't worry. They're only by the lake of Central Park in case any Sea Monsters either comes up from the water or tries to go in." Said Jason, "Then I guess we must be careful." Said Maria. They opened the door and headed towards the elevator leading down to the first floor to the main exit of the building. They went outside and got into the Cadillac then started driving towards Central Park as Maria, Luca and Alberto turned back into their white coats. Luca and Giulia were staring outside the window in awe at the beautiful snowy landscapes of the city. "They seem to be enjoying the falling snow." Maria said staring at Giulia and Luca, "I mean, you can't blame them. It does look pretty cool!" Said Alberto, "Alberto, we talked about those puns of yours." Said Giulia, "Aw, come on! It's just a little ice breaker!" Said Alberto. Giulia stared daggers at him, she really was over those cheap puns. Maria started snickering trying to hold back her laughter from Alberto's jokes and turned away trying not to show, Alberto noticed and formed a giant grin on his face, "See, Giulia? At least some people appreciate my humor." Said Alberto as Luca also started snickering, "Oh brother, not you too, Luca!" Said Giulia, "S-Sorry... I can't help it!" Luca giggled, "I actually find quite amusing!" Said Jason, "Thanks, Jason!" Said Alberto. Giulia groaned from annoyance, she really didn't like his puns, they were.... unsettling to her.

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