Nostalgic Feelings

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Once again, darkness has taken over everything. But there was the sound of the ocean's waves.

"Mana? Mana?" ((Sister)) That voice, it sounded familiar. "Mana, please get up!"

'Emily? Is that you?' Maria thought.

The voice sounded like a young girl, but she remembered her sister is deaf, she couldn't be talking. Is she?

"Mana! please wake up! FIND ME!" The voice said as it faded away, echoing away in the darkness.


"Alberto? Alberto?" Luca sat beside him, shaking him to make sure he was okay. Alberto's vision was blurry, but as soon as it accustomed to its surroundings, he could see Luca was in his jade Sea Monster form. "Luca? What happened?" Alberto said as he sat up and looked around. They were on a beach, it was nighttime, the big, bright moon's reflected light glistened over the sea. Alberto looked down, he was in his periwinkle Sea Monster form and had bruises and cuts all over his body. "Where are we?" Alberto asked looking around "Where is everyone?" They heard coughing from their right as a female voice called to them, "Luca? Alberto? Guys?" Giulia called. "Giulia!" Alberto called out and stood up and ran over to her side with Luca. "Are you okay?" Luca asked, "Yeah, I'm fine." Said Giulia as her arms wrapped over their shoulders, Luca and Alberto carried Giulia to one of the palm trees behind them and sat her down. "Where's Simon and Maria?" Giulia asked, "I'll go find them, Luca, you stay with Giulia. I'll let you know if I need help." Alberto said as he walked away searching for the doctor and Maria. "Simon? Maria?" Alberto called walking along the beachside searching for his friends. Luca tore off a piece of his shirt and wrapped it around Giulia's left arm, "Is that better?" He asked, "Yeah, thanks." Giulia said, she was covered in sand and bruises, her clothes were torn and she had sprained her arm. Alberto walked a few more miles calling for Simon and Maria. He spotted something shiny in the sand, he walked over to it and picked it up, it was Maria's necklace, which means she must be nearby. "Maria!? Maria!?" Alberto called out hoping she would hear him.

Simon started walking along the beachside until he spotted his friends, after a few moments, he spotted Luca with Giulia. " There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you guys!" He said in a sigh of relief. "Simon!" Luca and Giulia shouted at the exact same time in relief and joy. Simon noticed Giulia's arm and kneeled down over to her, "Is your arm okay? What happened?" He asked concerned for his friend's health, "Yeah, I'm fine. I probably messed it up in the wreckage." She said, "Where's Alberto and Maria?" Simon asked, "He went looking for you and Maria." Luca said as Alberto came running over to them carrying a blue, humanoid female with legs infused into a long tail that dragged along the sand. "Guys! She needs help!" Alberto cried as he gently layed Maria next to them. She was also covered in scars, new fresh ones, and had a piece of wood stuck in her side. "Shit. I need to treat her immediately." Simon said, "Luca, go in the ocean and look for some seaweed or kelp." He said, Luca ran back over to the water and dove in swimming around until he found some seaweed. "Alberto, as soon as Luca comes back with that seaweed, you and I have to pull the wood out or else she'll die." Said Simon, Luca came back up with a large pile of seaweed and brought it so Simon. "Okay, Luca, as soon as me and Alberto pull the wood out, you quickly place the seaweed on her and apply pressure to make the bleeding stop." Simon said. Luca nodded and grabbed some seaweed prepared to put it on Maria's wound. "Okay, on the count of three, ready?" Simon asked as he and Alberto grabbed the piece of wood ready to pull. "One. Two. THREE!" He shouted as Alberto and him yanked the wood out, blood started flowing out immediately like a waterfall, Luca quickly placed the seaweed on Maria's wound and pressed down on it. Simon grabbed the seaweed ends and tied them around Maria's waist like bandages. "Will she be okay?" Alberto asked worriedly, Simon placed two fingers beside Maria's neck to check her pulse. "She'll be okay." He said. Everyone let out a sigh of relief, "What do we do now?" Giulia asked, "We'll look for shelter. Alberto, you and Luca look around the island and see if there's any shelter for us to rest in. And best if you turn back into humans, just in case." Simon said. Alberto and Luca nodded and shook themselves dry, becoming human as they wondered into the green trees.

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