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It was a cloudy morning. The gang woke up and packed their belongings and started heading towards the boat that the townspeople had built. "It can withstand any weather. But be careful of any rocky edges." Said one of the villagers. "Thank you for your hospitality." Simon said shaking their hand. Everyone climbed onto the boat, Alberto and Simon pushed it into the water as Maria and Giulia opened the sails. The villagers waved goodbye as they set sail to the next nearest land. After a few hours, the ocean grew foggy, the air was cold and thick. Giulia took a look at the map to pinpoint where they were going. "Okay, I think we're almost there. We should be passing 'Crystal Cove.'" She said, "I can't see anything with this fog in the way." Luca said, "We're almost there. Maybe a few more hours before nightfall." Maria said standing in the front of the boat looking in the distance with Alberto sitting next to her. He kept looking at her a few times rethinking in his head that night they danced. He had never felt anything like that before. But what was it? Maria took a step closer to the ledge and sniffed the air, "We're here." She said and stepped back. The boat slid onto the sand and stopped moving. It was misty and quiet. Almost no sound except the oceans waves. It also was snowing. Everything was white "So... Where do we go?" Luca asked, "Let me see." Giulia said taking the map out before she was interrupted, "This way." Maria said as she walked to the right side. Giulia puts the map away and pouts as she and the others follow Maria. "Do you know this place, Maria?" Simon asked, "I think so. It does seem familiar." Maria said as she continued to walk up ahead. While they were walking up the path, some trees started to come into sight as well as some grass and bushes. "Where are we?" Giulia asked. Maria stopped as soon as she said that. They all looked up infront and saw what looked like a mansion. Maria growled, "I knew it." She snarled, "What? Where are we?" Alberto asked, "The previous owner of this house was a traitor. He was with one of Sireni tribes. A frost Siren." Said Maria with hate and anger burning in her eyes as she continued to stare at the house. "What did he do?" Luca asked, "He stayed in his human form for far too long. Now he's cursed and can never return to the water. He chose humans over his own people." Maria hissed. "Is he friendly at least?" Simon asked, Maria chuckled, "I highly doubt that." She said as she walked up to the house. Everyone looked at each other with worry and confusion as they walked behind Maria to the mansion. Maria grabbed the doorknob and turned it opening the door and went inside. They looked around to see if there was anyone home. The place looked deserted. Old. There wasn't any cobwebs or spiders or any dust. Just looked like its seen better days. Just as Maria turned a corner, a pale man with black, short hair and a green jacket with black jeans on carrying some wood came in and spotted them. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" He said, his voice sounded sorrowful and guilty. Maria hissed and started speed walking towards him in rage. The man dropped the wood and started backing up in fear before Simon stopped Maria. "Maria, wait! He could help us." He said. Maria stared him down for a good moment before looking back up at the scared man and backing off. "Look, we need a place to stay for now. We don't have anywhere else to go. Can you help us?" Simon asked trying to calm the pale man, "Y-Yeah, Sure." He said his voice shaking.

The man helped them settle in and showed them to their rooms, "Upstairs can be the men's room and downstairs can be the female's room." He said, "We decide our own rooms." Maria hissed getting in his face before grabbing Alberto's hand and steaming upstairs to one of the rooms. "She'll come around." Simon said, "Don't bet on it. She has every right to be mad. All of them have." The man said looking down and guilt, "Uh, anyways, what's your name?" Giulia asked trying to drop the depressing subject, "Alex. Alex tyler." Alex said, "I'm Simon Sullivan. That's Giulia Marcovaldo and Luca Paguro. And the couple that just went upstairs are Alberto Scorfano and Maria Rosetta." Said Simon introducing his friends. "Maria? That's really her? I thought her family-" Alex cut off as he looked up to where Maria just disappeared to. "What was that back there?" Alberto asked, "You cannot trust him! He betrayed us! He left them all to die!" Maria hissed in anger, but Alberto could tell there was a hint of sorrow and sadness in her tone. "Can that really happen? To become human forever and never change back?" Alberto asked, "Yes. If you provoke your mind hard enough. It's like putting yourself in a dome to keep you away from what makes you afraid to change. You can't break free." Maria said clenching her fists. Alberto looked down, he couldn't even begin to imagine the pain that man is going through right now. "Speaking of which. We must put on our winter coats." Maria said turning back and heading towards the door. "Winter coats?" Alberto asked, "Yes. You've done it before, haven't you?" Maria asked. Alberto shook his head. "I'll teach you how. Come with me." Maria said as she headed downstairs with Alberto following behind. "Luca. Come." She said, "Where are we going?" Luca asked, "You need to put on your winter coat or else you won't survive the cold." She said as she waited for him by the door. Luca nervously followed Maria and Alberto outside to the left side of the house. They journeyed deeper into the woods and farther away from it as they came across a frozen lake with a little shack with a well inside in the center of it. "Wait here." Maria said and walked on the frozen lake towards the shack. From the distance, Alberto and Luca could see she pulled out a wooden box from the side and threw something in the well then left and closed the door and walked back. "We must wait here." She said sitting down at the edge of the frozen water.

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