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It was a foggy morning. Winter seem to have hit near their destination as well. Alberto woke up with the foggy light shining into his eyes then looked to his right and saw Maria in one of the bottom bunk beds across from him asleep. They were awake all night learning about Maria's language and sign language. Alberto's gotten pretty good at learning fast, healed up stronger and better even. He looked down at his necklace and saw it was still halfway amethyst half periwinkle. He looked back at Maria, she seemed peaceful sleeping. She started twitching and sweating. "Maria? Are you okay?" Alberto asked as he crawled over to her. He put his hand on her forehead, she was burning up. "Maria? Maria?" He said shaking her. Maria jolted up awake breathing heavily, she looked around confused a bit before remembering where she was. "Maria, are you okay?" Alberto asked. Maria turned to Alberto. "Y-Yeah... I'm fine... J-Just a bad dream." She said placing her hand on her head, "Are we at our destination yet?" She asked, "Let's go check." Said Alberto as he stood up and went to the stairs. Maria looked back down for a moment remembering her dream, the words repeated in her head, 'War. Is. Coming.' "Maria?" Alberto asked waiting by the stairs, Maria looked over to him, "Are you coming?" He asked, "R-Right. Sorry." Maria said getting out of bed and walking over to Alberto as they both exit the bedroom of the ship.

It was foggy. Mist surrounded them from from everywhere, it was still freezing. As soon as Alberto and Maria stepped out into the cold, they turned white again. "What? I thought the coats were gone!" Alberto said in surprise, Maria chuckled, "Not until the summer. They only disappear when we're in warm areas, like the dock we were at." She said. "Ah, you two are finally awake. We're in New York's Harbor. Don't worry, I managed to get them to let us in." Simon said, "They think we're human right?" Alberto asked, "Yep. I had these." Simon said pulling out some ID's. "What the-!? How and where the heck did you get us all ID's!?" Alberto asked shocked and confused, "I have some friends here in New York that'll help us." Said Simon, "Great. More humans to give us away." Maria said sourly crossing her arms, she has went back to her normal self. "We're coming up on the docks." Giulia said from behind Simon with Luca who was also all-white. "And what about the coats? Won't they notice us?" Luca asked, "No, they'll just think your albino humans." Said Simon as he parks their boat at New York's docks, "Wait, Humans can turn albino?" Giulia asked, "Yep. You just don't really see many out here. It's called Albinism. It's a rare group of genetic disorders that cause the skin, hair, or eyes to have little or no color." Said Simon, "Wow. Genetic disorder. Never heard of anything like that before." Said Giulia surprised and interested. "Okay, we're here." Simon said. They all got their bags and belongings and hopped off the boat into the big city.

((Song: "Welcome To New York" by Taylor Swift))

The lights were bright, the buildings were like skyscrapers, and it was a lot more crowded than in Portorroso. There were a lot of people in a crowd everywhere. "Wow. This place sure is crowded." Luca said nervously, "That's because this place is one of the most popular cities than Paris." Simon said. "Where are we even going?" Maria asked sternly, "To a friend's place. His house has enough room for us to stay until we're able to get to Canada." Simon said as he sat a table at a café. "What are you doing?" Asked Maria, "I called him to meet us here when you two were asleep. So, we're waiting." Simon said, "This is a waste of time." Said Maria annoyed as she started walking away before Alberto grabbed her hand to stop her, "Maria, wait! I don't think we should split up." He said, "Alberto's right, Maria. This place could be crawling with Mercenaries without us knowing." Giulia said. Maria huffed and pulled her arm away from Alberto's grip. Just then a black Cadillac pulled up honking at them. "Hey, Simon! Long time, no see!" Said the driver, he was a short-haired blonde with pure blue eyes, slim body and wore a yellow scarf with a tan coat and blue jeans with boots on. He looked younger than Simon. "Hello, Jason! It's good to see you too!." Simon said walking up to the car and opening the doors, "Get in." He said, "Your new friends can put their stuff in the trunk! There's plenty of room!" Said Jason. The five put their belongings in the trunk then hopped into the car. "So, where've you been? How was the country?" Jason asked, "I was in Portorroso. It's pretty peaceful and calm there." Said Simon, "You mean it 'used' to be." Maria said sourly, just when things were going so well, she turned back into her old, feral self again. "Ah, I see we have a bitter taste of joy back there." Jason said. Maria growled at him as Alberto placed his hand on her shoulder, "Maria, calm down!" He whispered, "I hate these kinds of humans!" She hissed sitting back down and crossing her arms, "What kind?" Luca asked whispering, "The kind that thinks their the smart, superior ones. Like, what you humans call 'Spoiled Rich Kids.'" Maria snarled, "Oh... Yeah, those..." Giulia said in an annoyed tone "But... He doesn't seem like that. Just... a bit more excited and asks a lot of questions." Giulia said, "I don't care if he tries acting like a good boy. I still don't like him." Maria sneered.

Leaking Skies - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now