Heading Forward

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It was dark, but this time some light began to set in. It was blue, ocean blue. Maria looked around, she was in her Siren form, she couldn't see anything in the distance. Just ocean blue. Then some red, cloudy trails started rising up in front of her face, the trail was leading to beneath her. Maria swam down following the trail. She followed it for a while until there was more of it. She swam deeper until she caught it's scent. Blood. But not just any blood. Her people's blood. She swam faster deeper down until she saw a massacre of her tribe's bodies laying on the floor lifeless. Then a soft, young man's voice whispered in her ear, "War. Is. Coming." It said, then loud booming was heard above Maria, she swam back up to see what the sound was. She quickly made it to the surface and saw a fleet of mercenary ships surrounding her. There had to be at least 100 or 1000. They were all firing, but not at her. She looked to her left and saw another tribe of Sirens armed with weaponry. One shouted for them to attack and they followed her lead. They all swam towards the ships and began attacking. Before Maria could see anymore, she was dragged under the water by the corpses of her people as their hollowed out faces cried for mercy to release their pain and suffering. Maria tried to get free from their grips, but it was no use, their grips were too strong as they kept pulling her down, dragging her to the bottom with them. Maria's skin and body started to decay just like theirs the more she sank down with them as the voice came back, "Death Will Come To All." Maria's vision began to slowly fade away, until a familiar voice called out from above. "MARIA!" Shouted the familiar voice. Maria looked up and saw a big, bright periwinkle jellyfish speeding towards her as the mysterious, soft voice from before came back,

"Hold Onto The Light! Let It Guide You! Allow It To Bind With You! STAY CONNECTED TO IT."

The mysterious voice called as Maria reached her hand out and grabbed one of the jellyfishes tentacles.

The speed and force of the jellyfish caused her to break free of her people's corpse's grips. She climbed on top of the jellyfish as more appeared surrounding her as the voice repeated, "BIND WITH THE LIGHT. A BRIGHT FUTURE AWAITS." It called.

Just then, the glow of the jellyfishes got brighter and brighter.

Maria held tightly to the periwinkle jellyfish she was on, she felt something familiar, something different than before.

Like it was a calling, a calling for her to not give up any hope, to retry all the failures in her past life, like it was a calling for her to start anew.


With these feelings the jellyfish glowed brighter and brighter, as she held on tightly, the jellyfish began swarming each other.

They began to form something incredible,

something beautiful.

A light that shines in the sky and connects to the sea through it's eyes,

A Cyclone


The next morning, everyone packed their necessary belongings. Alex, and with the help of Sina and his tribe, they gave the group a map to New York. "It's the closest city from Canada." Said Sina "Me and some of my people go there to collect fish and bring back to the remaining young we have." "Thank you, Sina." Simon said and took the map back to the others. "Okay, is everything set?" Asked Simon, "Yep, we're good to go!" Alberto shouted, "Scorfano. A moment." Sina called and Alberto came over. "Is there something wrong?" Alberto asked, "About those necklaces you and Maria are wearing." Sina said pointing to Alberto's necklace, "What's wrong with it?" Alberto asked, "Did you and Maria pick one out for each other?" He asked, "Yeah? Why?" Alberto asked, "No wonder she's connected to you so easily. Usually she'll tell men to back off or kill them." Sina said, "What are you talking about?" Alberto asked very confused, "Those are more than just necklaces. Those are the real color and scales of your kin." Said Sina. Alberto looked down at the necklace, the color was changing from periwinkle to amethyst, like Maria's eyes, "What? How's that possible?" Alberto asked, "You seem to share an unlikely relationship with her. Those necklaces are a part of your bodies. They're not ordinary." Sina said, "But... How's that possible?" Asked Alberto, "It's simple really, it's the same with humans, when a mate meets another and wishes a way to forge their bond, they put their mind, body, heart and soul into an item that will contain their bond inside and connect it like a chain link to the person they wish to share their life with." Sina explained,

Leaking Skies - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now