Darkest Plight

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It was dark again. Felt like he was once again floating. But this time, it was cold. Freezing. Alberto was able to walk this time. 'Why am I having these dreams? Is there something I need to do?' "Alberto." Said a soft, young boys voice. "Luca?" Alberto called out. Then a orange light flashed in Alberto's eyes, blinding him. "Luca. Sea Monsters can't go to school! What do you think is going to happen when they see your fish face?" 'Was that... Me?' Alberto thought to himself as he stepped into the light more revealing a memory from when he was 15. Luca was there too, only when he was younger. They both were in front of the Vespa shop, Luca was explaining how Alberto was wrong about the stars and that he wanted to try school. Alberto stepped closer to the young reflections of him when he was young, as if he was really there, back in time. Then a harpoon was thrown, just missing the shot next to his head. It was Ercole as he came out from the shadows insulting them, interrogating. "Something's fishy with you two. Your hiding something..." He said. Of course, Ercole was onto them the entire time. What'd they expect? Some big shot of the town claims he's the ruler when two strays come in and take his shine away. So of course he wouldn't like that. Then, another bright light appeared next to Alberto as he turned towards it. Alberto walked into the next memory. It was the last place he and Luca saw each other. Portorroso's beach. He watched as his young reflection and its accomplice walk out of the water arguing. "Luca, your parents aren't here." Said the younger Alberto, "You don't what your talking about!" The younger Luca yelled, "This town it making you crazy. We just need to win that Vespa and get out of here." Said young Alberto as he walks up to younger Luca and places his arm over his shoulder as he flicks it off. "It's not gonna be any different... I don't want to.... I want to go to school." Said Young Luca, "That again? We CAN'T go to school!" Young Alberto shouted, "Your just afraid you can't do it!" Young Luca said pointing his finger at young Alberto who took that as an insult, "I'm not afraid! Your the one who gets afraid!" He said as he pushed young Luca and they both engaged into a fight. Biting, pushing and punching each other until young Alberto pinned young Luca to the ground. "What happens when she sees you? When ANYONE sees you!?" Young Alberto said, "Let go of me!" Shouted young Luca as he managed to get loose from his grip. Just before they could continue, a young Giulia came down the hill, "Your Alive!" She shouted as she raced down to embrace them both into a hug. "Hey, your never allowed on my bike again. Just stick to food, big guy!" Young Giulia said as he petted young Alberto's head, which he didn't enjoy, as he turned to her and growled then walked away from her. 'Big guy...' Heh, that name now only seems like a dead memory that can't be restored. Young Giulia walked over to young Luca asking what was wrong, young Alberto sighed, "Nothing, let's just get back to trainin-" Young Luca cut him off. "Actually, we have something to tell you. Can we come to you to your school?" Young Luca asked. Alberto knew what he was trying to do, he was trying to prove his point about school, that there's an actual chance they can become human with Giulia. She gasped in surprise, "That's the best idea ever! YES! Of course you can come!" Young Giulia giggled. Seeing Luca happy with Giulia and not him made Alberto's chest hurt and his stomach ready to vomit. "Giulia. Your school. Does it except all kinds of people? What if some were not human?" Young Alberto said as he walked over to her. "Alberto." Young Luca said to warn him to stop whatever it was he was doing. But he didn't listen. "Does your school except, psh, I don't know. Sea Monsters?" Said young Alberto as Luca jumps in front of him laughing nervously, "That's a weird joke, Alberto." Said young Luca grinding his teeth telling him to stop. "Yeah, I know, it pretty hard to imagine. So let me just SHOW you!" Young Alberto said as he ran back to the water and jumped in, turning back into a Sea Monster. He came back out the water in a menacing look with his teeth bared in a growl and his claws looking like they're ready to attack. Young Giulia hid behind young Luca, "Don't hurt us!" She cried. There it was, Alberto's point was proven. "See? I knew this would happen!" He said to young Luca. Luca. Who he thought was his best friend, Luca chose what he wanted to do. He wanted to learn more, and didn't want anyone to stop him from doing so, didn't want anyone to drag him down. "Sea Monster!" Young Luca shouted pointing to young Alberto. The look of betrayal hit Alberto's face. He couldn't believe Luca just did that. Seriously? After all they worked hard for, he changes his mind? For a girl? For school? Because it sounds 'interesting?' "Stop. I don't want to see this." Alberto said backing up, trembling in fear and sadness. Then the voice came back. "Be careful which path you take. Or everyone and everything will become your enemy." "THERE IT IS!" Shouted a voice from the distance. It was Ercole, along with black shadows that seemed distorted. Alberto panicked and breathed heavily, "STOP! I WANT TO WAKE UP! I DON'T WANT TO SEE THIS!" He shouted closing his eyes then opening them again to see that everyone was staring at him. He looked down and saw that he was in his Sea Monster form, Ercole and the shadows started running towards him with harpoons drawn. Alberto tried to quickly duck into the water, but it was too late. One of the wooden ends of the harpoon hit his head and he fell unconsciously. "NO!" Young Luca yelled as he cupped his hands over his mouth, regret, sadness, fear and sorrow was smeared all over his face. Alberto's vision was fading as the last thing he saw was Luca's shocked face as his vision faded away and he was once again in the dark void. "Why? Why are you showing me these? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?" Alberto yelled into the darkness.

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