Part 24❤️

23 0 0

Tw- none

Y/n POV-
It's been a few days now since I've told Harry and today is the day everyone is coming home, Harry has stayed at mine everyday to keep me company and make sure I'm alright, I've love it, it makes me love Harry more and more. I have made my mind up about what I'm gonna do, if I'm gonna stay at the house with everyone again or stay home, I've decided i should stay with the others, cause it means they will all be there to help me and I can then spend more time with everyone I have missed them all so much, I feel so stupid for listen to the unknown person and shutting everyone else, the only worry I have is weather the other will forgive me as much as Harry did.

"Morning y/n" Harry yawns making himself a cuppa "morning Harry how did u sleep" I reply. "Good thank you, what you thinking about" Harry concerns "just think about my choice if I'm stay at home or back at the house" I smile. " so have u made up your mind, I don't mind whatever choice you pick I will always help you with you choice" Harry reassures me. "I think I should go back to the house with the others" I look at Harry for a reaction and he runs up to me and kisses me. "I love y...." Harry starts to say and stops because we haven't said we love each other yet. " I love you too Harry" I say to reassure him "i love you" Harry says but this time he actually finishes saying it. "Right I'm going to start packing my bits to take back to the house" I get up and start to pack mine and Harry's stuff ready to leave.

About two hours later I have just finished packing Harry came to help me as i didn't realise how much stuff we had, once we have finished we decided to take it all to the car and start to leave I do everything I need to do then I lock the flat and we get the lift because we have so much stuff we wouldn't be able to take it down stairs. We just managed to get everything in the car including ourself, I start to get the music ready while harry begins driving. "Should we go and get some food because we haven't eaten all day as we have been very busy and I'm very hungry" Harry mentions. "Yes Sounds good"I respond, I start to worry about going out because of the texts and threats, I think Harry noticed I was scared because he puts his hand on my thigh and gives me a reassuring smile, hr makes me feel better straight away.

We decided to go to a Nando's for food, Harry Parked as close as he could but it is quite busy so we have to walk a bit, while walking I had hold of Harry very tight and I kept looking out for anyone who could be the person texting me, I wouldn't know what to look for but I'm looking anyway. We get to Nando's and Harry asks for a table for 2 and which then we are taken to. We have ordered and are waiting for our food. "Harry" I say "yes y/n" he reply's. "Umm where will I be staying back at the house" I question "don't worry of course you will be staying with, well that's if you want to of course" Harry responds. "Yes please and also what happens if they don't want me back with everything that happens" I worry. "Don't be silly of course they will want you".

After we eat our food we start to head to the house, we get there not long after and we notice nobody is home which I thought is a good thing so we can more all our stuff back in. We begin unpacking all our stuff in Harry's room it don't take us that long. "Right as we have nothing left to do we are going out" Harry says. "Where" i question. "Just on a walk to get fresh air" Harry smiles. We start getting ready to go out we wrap up nice and warm as it is very cold outside as it's winter. We lock the door and start our adventure.

"It's nice to get out" I express. "Yes it is nice to clear you mind" Harry smiles. He brings me to a lovely lake with a massive oak treat with a bench underneath it. "This could be our place we go to, to clear our minds and to get out" Harry tells me "it's lovely" I rest my head on Harry's shoulder. "Y/n can I ask you a question" Harry breathes "Of course what is it" I am now sat up facing Harry. "I have realise within the past few days we have been with each other how much I love you and how I want you to always be by myside, so will you be my girlfriend" Harry let's out a massive breathe showing he was worried about saying that. "Omg Harry of course I will I love you" I kiss him. We stay there for a bit longer then we start to make our way back.

We finally arrive back at home and we notice that everyone is home, Harry squeezes my hand to reassure me that everything will be alright, then we make our way through the door. As soon as we make our way in we are faced with Toby her gives me the biggest hug and tells me how much he has missed me. "Everyone y/n is here" Toby shouts getting everyone's attention and all of a sudden we hear loads of screams and see everyone running towards us giving us a massive hug. Everyone tells me how much they have missed me. Finally we make our way into the living room and they ask me about what happened and I explain everything about the threats and the texts I was getting. We decided to all watch a movie, we have now just finished the second movie and I tell everyone I'm going to head up to bed now. "I will come with you, been a long day" Harry reply's. We say night to everyone and head up to bed, we both fall asleep straight away.

I have missed everyone so much everything seems back to normal...


Date-2nd January 2022

Time- 11:20pm


Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter and my book,I hope you guys all enjoy it. Don't forget to vote and comment all your ideas and suggestions that I can add to the story so that you will enjoy it as much as possible and so I can include you all as much as possible. It will also help me alot with ideas and keeping up with uploading. I have been trying to upload every week but unfortunately I didn't last week as it was Christmas and I am terribly sorry about that. But still hope you enjoy. Hope you had a good Christmas and happy new year.
Love you all so much❤️
Thank you all very much❤️

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