Part 21❤️

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Tw- slight mention of depression

I have been like this for about 4 months now I haven't replied to anyone since 2 month ago I have heard them a few times turn up to the flat but I don't want to see them cause I'm worried that someone will hurt them, I keep getting messages from the unknown person nearly everyday and it keeps makes me even more scared and worried I hate it, why can't they just leave me alone. I have only moved of the sofa to get myself a coffee and to go to the toilet. I haven't had a shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, tidied or eaten in months and this makes me feel even more unmotivated and empty.

Harry's POV
I have gone to y/n apartment everyday for about 2 months, because nobody can get hold of her and nobody has seen her for months now and we are all very concerned for her and I'm worried that I have done something to make her feel like this way we all are worried that we have all done something to upset her, but this isn't like y/n. Today is the first day I'm going to her apartment alone, because everyone is gone away for the weekend and I don't want to go cause I have been feeling so empty with out y/n and I have only been getting out of bed everyday is because If I don't go to y/n apartment then I feel like I have given up on her and I will never, I miss her so much.

I get in my car ready to go to y/n's apartment, I don't know why but today I feel a bit convinced that today is the day that y/n will talk to me. Around 20 minutes later I arrive at y/n apartment tower.I get in the lift to go to y/n floor I would go up the stairs but her apartment is literally on the 10th floor and I would be dead by the time I got to the top. I reach apartment 104 which is y/n apartment number, I knock and the door and wait for an answer and as the same as everyday there isn't an answer .

I hear a knock on my door once again, i don't answer as I know that they will go away and leave me soon but then I hear someone start talking at the door I know that it is Harry and it's so hard not to answer him but I know it's for the best, well that's what I keep telling myself anyway. "Y/n open the door it is just me today everyone else has gone away for the weekend I just need to be with someone I feel so lost and lonely and empty please y/n" I hear him plead. I cannot leave Harry like that he sounds so scared and worried, I need him too. I get up off the sofa and begin opening the front door and I'm faced with Harry all red puffy eyes he looks so happy that i have opened the door, it's probably the happiest he has been in months. "Omg y/n I have missed you so much" Harry runs up to me and hugs me. "I have missed you too Harry" I begin crying I didn't know this is what i needed I don't feel so empty and lonely, I feel like I'm actually wanted by someone Harry makes me feel so safe and happy again, I haven't been this happy in months. "I am so sorry Harry" I cry even more "it's alright y/n don't worry, let's get you in the shower and let's tidy up a bit" Harry tells me I just agree with Harry cause I smell sooo bad and my apartment is such a mess. I get in the bath and Harry is sat with me washing my hair for me I just don't have the energy to do it for myself, I feel so relaxed and fresh now. After my bath I get into some comfy clothes, I wear a big jumper and some cycling shorts as it is a bit sunny today. Then Harry starts to brush and dry my hair for me this makes me feel soo much for him, he does so much for me, he treats me like such a princess. After Harry has finished with my hair I begin to tidy and Harry's also helps with that, once we have finished Harry mentions us going out to get some food, I look at him so concerned I can't leave the house what if that person comes to get me or even hurts Harry. "I-I can't go out" I begin crying again Harry comforts me and reassures me "we can order something, don't worry" he smiles. "O-okay t-thank you Harry" I smile back, feeling relieved.

I hear a knock at the door and this tells me that the food is here, I jump cause it scared me and I give Harry a really worried look to show that I  scared. "it's alright I will get it" Harry says "no I will they might find out that I'm with you" I quickly bust out without realising what I just said "what do you mean" Harry pulls a face at me worried and confused about what I just said. I just ignore him and carry on getting the food. We sit down and eat I couldn't eat much of mine as I haven't really got much of an appetite.
"Right y/n you need to explain what you meant earlier" Harry looks at me.

Do I tell him...


Date- 16th December

Time- 8:50

Words- 1080

Thank you so much for reading this part it means so much to me, I hope you enjoyed reading this, it is a bit longer then the other chapters, please don't forget to leave all your ideas and suggestions for me to add to the future parts in the story as this would help me so much and also I would love to include you all as much as I possibly can , and I want to make this as enjoyable as possible. Also I will be uploading once a week.
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