Prologue and Chapter 1

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This book is 100% cringe, but it gets better as the series goes on (I hope)


Skykit ran for her life.

Her father Moonclaw had attacked Skykit's family during the night and was battling his mate, Raindrop. She remembered clearly what had happened just a few moments ago.

Skykit had heard a loud screech come from beside her. She blinked her eyes open to see Raindrop, her mother, grabbling with a tom. The tom had silver fur bright green eyes. "Father!" she yelped at the tom who was attacking Raindrop.

Raindrop yowled as she ducked away from a blow from the powerful silver tom, "Run, Skykit! Run away!!"

And there she was; running away.

Skykit heard a thump and saw her sister collapse dead in front of her. Exhaustion had shut down Bluekit's tiny body. She crouched down next to her. "Bluekit.." She whimpered quietly.

Close by, Clearkit had been killed by a fox roaming Smallclan territory and Moonclaw had killed Raindrop. Skykit ran away from Smallclan territory in hope of finding a new home or life.

Skykit was on her own.


3 moons had passed and being a rogue was much more difficult than hoped. Skykit was 5 moons old. She was starving and couldn't catch prey. All she could do was scavenge in twoleg boxes and beg for food from other cats.

Close by, a Lightclan cat named Jumpingleaf was watching the rogue kit closely. He thought that if he could train her as an apprentice, Lightclan will have more hope. There were only 6 warriors left. Jumpingleaf carefully approached Skykit, his stance friendly and tail twitching hopefully.


Chapter 1:

Skypaw was learning how to do the hunting crouch for hunting birds. "Remember to keep as still as possible" whispered Jumpingleaf.

Jumpingleaf was her mentor. Skypaw was so glad he was her mentor! She was very fond of the skillful young cat. He had green eyes like her and a brown coat.

A bird fluttered just above her head on a branch. She steadied herself, her white fur bristling from the thought of catching her prey. At the last moment, she leaped up to an amazing height and caught the bird in mid air. Sje twisted around to land on her paws and let out a small mew of excitement as she landed. She stumbled slightly but quickly gained her footing again.

"Well done!" meowed Jumpingleaf, proudly giving Skypaw a lick between her ears.

That was Skypaw's 5th prey since she had started her training. It was a great day for her. She had been training for 2 moons and was nearly 8 moons old.

Just as Skypaw parted her jaws to say something, a battle screech sounded close by and Jumpingleaf leaped up, fur bristling. "Monsterclan attack!" He breathed in terror before racing off in the direction of the border.

He yowled to Skypaw as he went, "GET HELP!!"

Skypaw's paws seemed to be rooted to the ground. She was frozen with fear. She had heard of Monsterclan before, but never encountered them before. The legends said that Monsterclan cats used to be nearly three times the size of a normal cat, and that even now they still grow bigger than average. They were bred to be fighters and killers. Their claws were long and curved, their teeth sharp and pointed.

Skypaw let out a silent whimper before finally finding control over her paws. She took of at a fast run, racing back to camp. As she arrived at the entrance, she saw Wildstar right in front of her. "Monsterclan are at the border!" That's all she had to say because Wildstar was already calling the 3 remaining warriors left in camp. Robinlake, Bigstep and Slowsky.

Warriors: Will Lightclan Survive? ~Series 1 Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now